
Two reasons. Firstly, if you are a creative professional, Twitter, bad as it can be, is a great place to connect to your fans and potential fans. That means that artists, writers, musicians, cartoonists etc are there for professional reasons, not purely social or recreational. It’s part of your job.

Secondly, Twitter

For those people saying that crossbreeding is the answer, remember that crossbreeding doesn’t necessarily solve genetic problems. Many other “pure” breeds have exactly the same genetic issues as bulldogs, if not so intense. For example, breeding a golden retriever with a boxer will still result in a pup with a good

This is the information I was looking for. Needs to be more visible.

Oh! Right!

Yep I'm going to try exactly that.

OK wait! I can see it on And it’s not that expensive either. Great.

Ugh. It must be some kind of region setting thing then (I’m in South Africa). I did a search in the Kindle store and the only thing that came up other than the print versions was the audible book. I suppose that’s an option! :)

Am I looking in the wrong place, or is there no ebook version of this book?

Best response! I love that dog's expression.

Watership down is dystopian?

The sound of the train in the blooper reel is so much better than the music track in the actual video. Made it feel a lot more real!

About Celeste Ciulla: it’s true! I heard another book she narrated (something by Barbara Hambly I think) and I literally couldn’t listen to it. I wondered if she was really some kind of text to speech program. Oddly that sort of fits with the Ancillary main character.

Apparently this was done without the authorities knowledge, you can read more about it here :

Now playing

Watching this reminded me of an animation I hadn’t thought of for years - Ryan Larkin’s Walking. Also all about walk cycles. It’s simply amazing. Although it takes a little while to get really going.

... for the same reason any of the other intelligent, powerful magic users couldn’t take the ring. Because of its corrupting power in the hands (or claws) of anyone with ambition. TheEagles are every bit as vulnerable to the power of the ring as any human.

The series required a good helping of suspension of disbelief :) But yes, it did, indeed, end.

Agreed. I love this series - have read it more than once - but it does sort of fall apart at the end, especially with all the horror stuff that starts going on once Johnny Wulgaro takes control. But still, Science Fiction set partly in my own country, how rare is that!

I do find it ironic that they say “We encourage submissions from anyone, around the world, regardless of gender, race, religion, location, lifestyle or anything else.” Limiting it to physical submission makes it significantly more difficult for those of us not living in a first world country.

... but will they include ALL THE FARTING??!! The “wizz pops” if I remember correctly.

Hey! I only just discovered Blacksad. So cool! And rather undisney :-) .