
Before someone else posts it:

Here is the secret. Kids will go until they get attention, in positive or negative ways. They do it because it had some positive aspect in the past. Set a boundary and reinforce.

LOL... One S5. Never been rooted, only dropped once.

Completely, even though I play with data sets like most can’t imagine (hospital supply usage posed at the bandaid level for a 5 year period has been in my past analysis), excel is a good quick tool for analysis of smaller or sample sets. It is absolutely crazy that people think that their personal finances or simple

Learn a coin force and ask for a coin from someone else.

A one-night stand and a fling aren’t the same thing. You say “fling”,. I think of a gunpowder relationship. It burns fast and hot, but if you try to contain it, someone’s likely to get badly hurt.

Having traveled a bit, I started doing this, everything gets a removable tag. As it is used, the tag is thrown away. Everything with a tag is not taken next time. It has pared down the stack.

I’d throw that shit back. I had a neighbor who did that. Threw it back in front of him with a hey neighbor, you lost something let me help. He also tried to say the property line was closer to my house so he could extend his garage. Caused water to run in his house. He sued me. He had to pay my legal fees and tear

For everyone, you need to make good choices when posting online. If it is something you can’t say at work, you might want to think about throwing it online under your name. Once had to let a guy go. Worked a nuke site. Posted some very Circle A kinda anti-nuke stuff.

Hey, that is considered lifetime commitment lately.

Couple additions. You allude, but know where the low lying areas around you are. Look at a flood inundation map or even a dam break inundation map if you live next to one. If you are standing under a flood gauge meter... that is your sign that it is possible there could be floods where you are.

Because it feels like he’s become a gun for hire. I don’t care that he targeted the Democrats, I care that he was probably ordered to. Or hell, did it to cozy up to some entity because he’s burned through all his good will by being a piece of shit in his personal life.

Can you be a bit more specific? They release information that is leaked and vetted. And if they did have a “candidate” and they released info that hurt “their candidate”, wouldn’t that make you take them more seriously, not less?

Honest question here - why would you not take them seriously?

I have a Roomba 980 and it is great (if somewhat loud). A vast improvement over previous models, both in terms of suction and pathfinding. It’s an expensive machine though.

I have a Roomba 980 and it is great (if somewhat loud). A vast improvement over previous models, both in terms of

Those aren’t directly cause by fracking. They are caused by injecting wastewater deep underground. Of course, that wastewater is a byproduct of drilling and fracking so it’s more of an indirect causation.

Naw, I would preach about the fallacy of listening to celebrities and the lack of critical thinking skills in today’s society. Make up some stats that sound good. “at least, 91 percent of a-listers haven’t finished a college degree in STEM” Give myself some great accolades, “I have been thinking critically my whole

I’ll give you a better baseball analogy.