

Gotta get the troll toll if you wanna get in to the boy wonder's soul.

Stop. with. the. nannies. Stop giving people more reasons to think that driving is not a privilege... stop giving them reasons to think that the cars do everything and they can do other things while driving. They may choose to check their phone or put on makeup anyway, but good grief, don't make all of us suffer

I always felt bad for the random janitor on the Death Star who was just trying to make a living for his family, perhaps conscripted to join even, and Luke just blew the whole thing up without a second thought...

I don't know from the horrors of space oil, but I do know there's no reason to waste a single drop of the precious contents of your honey bear, which can be extracted merely by immersing the bear in some scalding hot water, or, if you like, popping it into the microwave for 20 seconds or so, which heat greatly reduces

OK so this is probably an ignorant question, but since you asked. In regards to preferring tampons vs pads, does virginity or lack there of cause any difference when selecting one vs the other.

I was just going to post about that film. Some consider it the most disturbing war film ever made. They may be right. And if anyone has the stomach read about the Dirlewanger Brigade's exploits during the Warsaw Uprising. Well I guess that's what happens when you have criminals and the insane under the command of

Seeing as how Dredd began filming in November 2011 and The Raid: Redemption was released in March 2012, I seriously doubt the plot/action sequences were ripped off.

Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

Call me crazy, but perhaps the lady standing on the side of a two lane road, in the middle of a dark light condition snow storm, shining a blaring white light, might cause just a little distraction for drivers on the road. Just a thought.

Are you familiar with this study Esther? Setting up a utopia for mice that went unchecked, and coined the term "behavioral sink."

I thought she was going to leave and Night's Watch guy was going to be the new ghost.

If you feel like sobbing helplessly for awhile, here is the best (or possibly worst) letter written by a man who lost his son.

I strongly doubt this is fake; the WoW community has a history of doing things like this. For all its reputation, genuinely good people who just want to have fun playing a silly fantasy game about internet dragons seem more drawn to WoW than other MMO's.

I hope that when Ultron starts fighting, he puts up a fighting face. As in, the original silent scream.

He's like a male Katniss.

Game: The Game