
Don’t forget that he also leaves a bottle of lighter fluid right next to burning thermite then later drops a blowtorch right next to a column of burning thermite that winds up leaking.

No Ex Machina or The Fifth Element?! This list has zero credibility!

Damn - they are REALLY into Sam Elliot!

#teamhag here. Empowered woman with a zfg attitude. What’s not to admire over a bunch of mermaid wannabees?

Except that the ComicCon outfits will continue to have an identifiable theme. The shot above look like the designers got blind drunk and decided to play with fabric scraps.

Now playing

Yes, my bad. As for swimming in armor? Gotta love the internet:

Ah true, I was thinking of jousting armor as Moonshadow pointed out. You are correct, field armor is around 50-60lbs on average.

Plate armor is closer to 100-110lbs.

Exactly this. I was grooving until that lame jump out of harm’s way. I was further annoyed by Jaime’s invincible plot armor. However, it was still a kick-ass episode. So gratifying to see the charge of the Dothraki and to see Drogon lay down the dragonfire!

The Roman Scorpion used very little metal. Their technology is less than the one represented in GoT so it doesn’t seem a stretch to expect that they would have already developed Great Big Crossbows.

As someone who enjoys fine spirits (bourbon, rum, tequila, & absinthe among others), I have taste-tested different scotches over the years and was always left wondering “what is the big deal?” The closest I came to understanding was when a local liquor store owner suggested Tomintoul, which I enjoyed, but still

Trevor Belmont in the Netflix Castlevania series is a Lawful Good character.

I believe you are taking the “lawful” aspect far too literally. According to the Perkins example, it means living by a code, not necessarily a set of cultural laws. Batman certainly has a code by which he lives and operates, a code that has many times made his life harder. Chaotics have no problems with “bending” and

Metal Gear for the NES. I was 25.

My son has Asperger’s and he thinks it is we neurotypicals who are disadvantaged. Times like these, I can’t debate him.

Interesting that the NJ Devil came in at 13 considering that according to legend, the Jersey Devil was the 13th child of old Mother Leeds. Coincidence? I think not!

Icee what you did there.