
This guy: “He just kept a mentally-ill human in a cage and tortured them for a year, I’m sure he doesn’t pose a threat to society, let’s let him go”


Yeah I live in the neighborhood this is supposed to happen in and have never once heard anyone say that. It’s so cringy. 

Based on my own personal recent first hand experiences, Fiona is pissed that her life isn’t going where she felt like it was supposed to and so rather than self-examine and reflect on her own poor choices, which would require her to, you know, own her agency and take responsibility for her life, she is choosing to

i am sooo sick of Fiona saying “I’m south side” to earn credit for being street wise or whatever. She said it at least 15 times this episode. I’m also sick of Fiona getting cute guys, the boxing instructor was too good for her. 

Liam explicitly states in the episode, “I’m nine,” and you twice say he’s ten.  

Fiona asking Vee who the kid in the bar was last episode was especially egregious on the “aren’t they best friends?” front. Shouldn’t she know Vee and Kev were adopting a kid, and that he’s 12 years old, and that they were bringing him home that day?

I’d say that it’s because it’s Europe and not the US but you’d probably get a hand slap in the US.

He should be in prison for life. This person has no place in society.

I doubt that it makes her going missing more noticeable. She works for an agency would have to check in about her go sees.

Oh man, you are so right. I do some research in trafficking and some of the “stakeholders” are clearly just there to get their rocks off showing how they’re rescuing girls from impurity. There are way too many creepy faith-based anti-trafficking “service centers” that read a whole lot like those anti-choice pregnancy

Probably because people would notice that a child’s mother is missing...?

I’m also guessing mothers are less willing to accept their fate. They’ve got a child to fight for. It’s cliche sounding, but it’s true. Some might give up easier without a child to make it back to.

Having a child makes you unsuitable for the sex trade? I’m glad it saved her but Lol.

6.5 years doesn’t seem long enough for this shit if you ask me.

if the pattern continues, maybe in 40 or so years some nutbags will claim that ISIS never existed and the sexual slavery was a hoax.

Being a child of a Holocaust survivor I read up on it to try to understand the trauma and my Mom’s survivor guilt. I was always amazed that there was always a new way that the victims of the camps could be made to suffer.

How is rape “non-physical trauma”?

People who send out as many poo snaps as me are lucky to even have one gf, let alone several

That cracks me up. It gets me that someone meant to take a picture of poo and meant to send a picture of poo to someone but sent it to the wrong person. Like...what?