Thanks for sharing, Cecilia! With a couple of daughters under the age of 3 (who like video games very much right now!), I’m trying to educate myself as much as possible about all of the social dynamics in this space and appreciate your writing.
I’m not sure about the “Only Girl” syndrome, being a guy. Specifically, I can’t speak from experience so I won’t comment on that.
Do you need to play this game to get the full plot and dive into the deep lore of FFXV?
Nothing ground-breaking, and III still seems to be a long ways off, but this is better than nothing, right?
At this rate, I’m telling Square-Enix that I’m buying 2 copies of Persona 5.
I mean, they made all these spin-off games, and then REMASTERED every game in the franchise before the damn 3rd installment is even out. And now I hear the team is going to be off helping with the FFVII remake. I am losing my care for this…
Looking forward to Kingdom Hearts Pi Squared Daydream Reverie Hiccup.
Yup, everyone got excited for the FFVII remake and most likely the game won’t be released 5-10 years from now. The pressure will be to much to do and they will just cancel the project a few years into it. Ever since the merge, Square Enix has sucked at releasing Final Fantasy games.
This, I think, is exactly why Bethesda waited so long to officially announced Fallout 4 despite all the (fairly small) leaks that proved it was in active development. They didn’t have to tease anyone years in advance, and they got to take a long time to make a game without anyone freaking out (“WAT TAKE SO LONG”). The…
It’s Square. It’ll look amazing, and play like a hallway....
They’ve been dropping the ball the last 5+ years. They announce or tease their biggest franchises, make us wait a decade, and re-release their old shit on mobile. My daughter was born when Versus XIII was announced. I legitimately wonder what will happen sooner, the release of XV, or my daughter entering middle…
Make no mistake - Square Enix had to beg Microsoft for money to finish Tomb Raider, and Final Fantasy VII is the ultimate “oh shit, we need money - what will people buy?!” title. Square Enix is in dire straights.
They buy up western studios with popular titles and competent development teams, and then crap on their sales numbers because they can’t also hold up the entire Japanese division working on engines and delayed games for a decade.
There was no substance in that trailer. They showed combat and that’s it. We already had combat footage so most of that didnt even matter to me.
I really hope they go bankrupt so an actual publisher can buy these IP. “Now in Development”. It’s embarrassing. How many years in a row have we watched them re-use trailers?
EDIT: By reuse trailers I mean the non-KH ones.