
Thank god!

It’s weird how Caroline didn’t inherit her Mom’s looks like her brother, but her son did!

Sure you got it. Sure. If libs exhaust you, why the fuck are you here every. single. day?

And did they use a Britney photo from 2004 or something?

That sounded like a 3 1/2 minute mic test.

Oh, he’ll have a 25 year old knocked up in no time.

When I was younger, my uncle was jailed for molesting one of my cousins over several years and at the time I remember having a full-throated defense of him. My cousin and I didn’t get along and I spent PLENTY of time around him where in my mind, if he really was “that way” he would have at least pushed a boundary with

By their superior quality

What a shitty take.

This x100 + I can totally see saying, “it is what it is” to mentally and emotionally detach myself from a very morbid situation during a difficult moment. It doesn’t mean it wouldn’t leave me reeling.

“From where we are now, this probably isn’t gonna get better

Che really is a throwback to 80s and 90s TV where whenever there was a queer character it seemed like the writers had obviously decided ‘those people are crazy, so let’s just go for it!’

I don’t mean to pile on here, but okay, I’m joining the pile. This woman has been married to a sociopath for 25+ years. Who knows what kind of abuse, gaslighting, and stress she’s had to put up with over this period? But hey, let’s judge her on some off-hand remark she may not even have made upon having the truth

Agreed.  Also, as someone on the spectrum, I doubt I’d ever give the response that people think is “appropriate.”  Not saying she is; just saying that judging people on their snap responses during a tragedy is pretty awful IMO.

JFC give that poor woman some time process what happened. It’s pretty gross demanding she has the reaction you deem appropriate right away.

why does this author seem more upset about the wife not knowing than you know, the man murdering all those people....? good grief, y’all. unless we find out otherwise, she’s a victim too.

I think what makes it manipulative is that he started a relationship with someone who was a professional surfer, who’s social media history and presence including oodles of this content that he wanted her to get rid of, and he appears to have not mentioned that beforehand only bringing up during the relationship. If

I’m about to turn 35. Just the thought of doing 11 shots is enough to give me a hangover tomorrow.

I immediately assumed drugs as well. For the last several years, Madonna has really been leaning into drug culture in a way beyond even what’s mentioned in the article. I mean, hell, she literally named one of her albums MDNA, a play on MDMA.

It’s because this organization is useless and may actually increase the demand for human sex trafficking. They peddle misinformation that actually hinders the work of organizations that are effectively fighting human trafficking. Polaris was overwhelmed with conspiracy calls that prevented actual victims from getting