
Meh, in a sea of stretched skin and filler, she’s not the worst of them, for now I suppose! 

Yes, agreed. I am really curious to see how she is perceived in Japan. Maybe the Japanese are embarrassed by her. I am always embarrassed when my fellow country men and women engage in paddywhackery for clicks and likes or cash.

Marie Kondo got everyone to throw out all their crap, so that she could then sell them her own branded crap to refill their homes. None of her schtick is real. Why does nobody else see this?? I feel like I am on [blank] pills, etc., etc.... What I am saying is, she is a snake oil salesman, like all the other people

What I find ‘funny’ in all of this is that the patriarchy is so entrenched in all of us that a woman can go through the hell and trauma that Britney went through but the public still expects her to be ‘on’ and sweetness and light 24/7. Plus ça change....

So weird, I often wonder if Phoebe Bridgers is actually a cat hiding in a human body, she has a kind of vibe. Maybe she is trying to throw us off the scent with this anti-cat nonsense?

Apparently this guy is a married man now, so, there's that extra layer to this mess!

I am 45 and I have this if my weight dips below 60kg. It’s not a good thing.

Christ on a bike...

Ali Wong is divorced?!!

I completely agree. This child needs privacy and compassion right now.


This. The UK office is agonising to watch in spots, but that's what makes it great. And the ridiculous bits are scarily plausible to people who have worked in the corporate sector.

Wow, the original Office was HUGE in the UK in the early aughts. People worried that the US audience might not 'get' it as it was originally meant to be a straight remake. Maybe they were right?

Wow, he is a disgusting predator. I pray for his swift cancellation. Irrelevant but curious sidenote: I notice he has stains on his clothes in most of his recent photos. Are these actual stains or are they on the clothes by design, 'Derelicte' style?

Eat the damn rich.

But this doesn’t happen in other countries, it is not actually an obligatory part of the democratic process, *shrug*.

*sigh* My point is that ‘celebrities’ don’t *need* to be asked for their opinions on politics, science, intellectual matters. They aren’t as involved in elections in European countries, for example, but maybe Europeans are all just ‘middle school wall flowers’, whatever that is supposed to mean! And if you think Elon

I don’t understand what your comment about grief has to do with the assumption that a grieving person is going to make a ‘great grieving album’ because their music was all slow n stuff anyway. I just find that level of assumption beyond wild, sociopathic even.

Hear me out, WHAT IF we stopped caring so much about what entertainers, sports stars and models think about politics and diverted our attention to the thinkers and intellectuals among us for all things ‘thinky’?

Sparhawk’s artistic response to his wife and bandmate’s death will be an absolute doozy' Wtf?? Someone is dead, Rich.