
It does. It is incorrect to say ‘be best’. It is either ‘be better’ or ‘be the best’.

This. I clicked on the article, yes, but I still find it offensive. It´s just a whole load of rumour about something very private. We shouldn’t be speculating about their custody situation :(

Wow, fierce Lea Michele hate here. But does anyone else think she is pregnant?!! That drink is positioned suspiciously in the first photo, and her legs are also tucked, erm, suspiciously in the second one. OR IS THAT WHAT SHE WANTS US TO THINK?!!!

Ha! Probably! 

Oh ffs, how many icky clichés can one man be?!! 

Seems fair. 

My cousin died of that. Most likely because of measles. I wasn’t vaccinated at all as a child but my son is for sure vaccinated, considering my second hand experience of how not vaccinating can be a disaster :(

One word; SAVAGE!! 

Forest therapy :) it's a thing :) so let's love this planet back :) 

You have plenty left in you, just keep going! ❤️

This is just right now. It is not permanent. Keep going! Just keep doing the right thing.❤️

Best one!! 😂 

I thought it was a spotty baby bump 🤔

Again with the racism?! Who t f is still buying their shite?! 

He is right though. It is the ultimate in narcissism. Someone (maybe) great died, their family and friends are grieving, but most 'celebs' can only see this person's death through the prism of 'Me Me Me!!' and post a pic with them in the centre and dead person off to the side or sth! 

As a parent, I say yay! 

I grew up near the south coast of Ireland and we saw some fairly weird stuff in the sky sometimes. However, our government was happy to let rendition flights refuel in Shannon, so maybe it’s actually you guys using our airspace? Maybe preparing for the day Putin annexes Finland or whatever?

Lol, the mental picture you just created was much better :) 

Ha! Thanks for the sanity injection into this thread. I think you can feel bad that the tiger was killed AND that so many people died. Dunno, some people are very complex and can hold two separate ideas in their heads at the same time :)