
I like Collete tbh.

I hate Jody and Garret was amazing in Raisin Hope. Anyway even if my English isn't that great I Always liked to talk about Mindy. Right now I'm not even in the mood to talk anymore.

I totally give up of the show. I hate Jody and Jody as wannabe Danny is the worst. Mindy don't even work anymore. No fun anymore.

Before Mindy it didn't end because he was controlling sorry you are just assuming Eye Patch ended with him because he was a jerk to people not because he was controlling her. Christina we don't know exactly and Mindy it felt forced. Sorry if I believe in that but I do I won't change my mind because I saw the episodes

Exactly, that Christina line was a joke. I want a honest scene to believe but now it's too late for that

Someone can feel that way for many reasons. I don't buy it. It'a clear to me you just see that because of Mindy and then this whole storyline was 2 season after she said that and the writers don't even remember Mindy have the ring back to Carey so hard to believe they remember that

So many people stoped to love Danny and I think it's mean something. I don't assume people think he is perfect because I didn't. I really think he have so many flaws but with this whole storyline the writers took a road to make him another character.
I don't even know what I want anymore. Danny could change but idk it

Tried to extinguish a Light it doesn't prove anything because it could mean so many things. So forced to say he is controlling with a line like that. Inflexible but he wasn't that controlling. Not the same
Anyway the story isn't over. So ? If the whole story have problems the ending doesn't matter.
Ok then. Bye

Some viewers. Lol I never believe or said he was perfect but it's more easy to you to believe in that. I can't criticize if I want everything perfect.
Btw I rewatched the episode (Christina parts) and I didn't see she say anything like controlling but ok believe in that.

Lol ok let's pretend she did say something like that and and the fact she didn't try to control him with her boobs
I'm sorry for people who accept this kind of changes and think it' normal and in character

Christina never said Danny was controlling. Santa Fe episode she didn't said anything at all. The episode ended with Mindy and Danny just looking at each other after they know Christina was there. lol really???
I DON'T think the writers know the character só the criticsm is high

What? Christina didn't cheat on Danny because of that. I really didn't see this when I watch the show. They never really said why she cheated on him. You are just assuming that because of what the writers did to him. Christina really didn't act she was controlled. Your explanation really didn't explain anything.

Danny was sexist great even Mindy was sexist. But obviously there is levels of sexism and Danny wasn't like that. He wasn't controlling with Cristina. He wouldn't trap Mindy to have more kids when he didn't even want to have kids. Or make her cry bc she never did before but now he did when they first met just because

In my opinion Danny is out off character. If you don't agree ok but a lot of people already said the same. People will criticized the writers if they see something like that it's not matter if you don't like a character or not it'a bigger. Btw I don't care if Chris Messina is filming a movie or not in the story this

Lol A lot of people don't like this new season and people are free to criticized. God. People will watch whatever they want or not. This quit watching attitude is so immature

Mindy did give back Casey’s ring. this show is getting worse and worse imo

Adam Peter left and he show up a bunch of times.

His movie shooting wasn't that long that he couldn't filmed more episodes. I noticed this at the time. Yeah. He didn't said he isn't leaving so yeah people will still believe what they want

I read and I don't think this is clear at all. He just said what he had to say. PR interview. I don't really trust.

If not What's the point of this episode? Mindy at least will move to her apt again. She will leave him. A breakup to me.
IDK WHY I have 2 accounts but I'm the same person lol