Poe Dameron Left Me Behind

I choose to ignore this data and declare Tame Impala's "Cause I'm a Man" & Unknown Mortal Orchestra's "Can't Keep Checking my Phone" the songs of summer

it's only okay if you're into coprophagia

I think there's a repost app that makes it easier to share stuff, but I haven't tried it, I've just been noticing more reposted stuff in my feed lately

Paul Brittain is currently touring as his "Sex Ed Vincent" character, I'm debating going to it this weekend

Yeah, I watched Part II & Risky Business that weekend, my takeaway was that generational arguments are BS; teenagers were just as shitty 30 years ago as they are today.

I'm going to see Sam Simmons at the Comedy Bar for JFL42 in July (also free because I bought my pass already)

I graduated in '09, and apart from the strike & my own mistake of picking a stupid major I enjoyed my experience there. But I find myself constantly defending the school, or correcting older people who have a really outdated notion of what the place is like.

it's the sequel to the Ikea monkey incident

Northern Touch!!

it'll make your panties wet. Interpret that however you like

"who?" comments drive me nuts. They're just pointlessly mean & dismissive, I downvote them the way @Whovian crusades against hashtags

but it has that sweet Laurel Canyon sound!

I would've preferred a RickRoll, but this'll do

Father John Misty's recent cover of "the Suburbs" is pretty rad

I sent that guy 42 VHS tapes back in December! The post office lady was utterly baffled by the whole thing.


Man, that's hardcore! I started out watching all of them but I couldn't keep up. I'd like to see them do a "tournament of champions" of sorts, where they pit multiple winners against each other. My money would be on Kinane

I love Johnny: his manic energy on the Bone Zone podcast brings me so much joy

That was the drunken battle cry within my group of girlfriends in University. If a bunch of annoying drunk girls are going to yell stuff, at least it was a Clone High quote

oh hell yeah, such a good song
If you haven't already, I would recommend listening to the "Song Exploder" episode where they break down the production of "Inside Out," it's pretty cool