
What really still gets me? The fact that we have businesses that will balk at making a fucking wedding cake for two men or two women getting married to each other, but won’t think twice about making jerseys with obvious racial slurs on them.

My friend coaches a rec league team named the Crisp Passers. I have one of their jerseys, which features a man mid fundamentally sound chest pass. I think it’s genius and hilarious and I’ve never received a single compliment on the jersey which makes me weep for humanity.

Funny thing is none of the aforementioned wearers of said jerseys will only have wet dreams because they’re not getting the real thing anytime soon.

Is H&M reaching out to the team about a potential sponsorship?

“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys. We offered to cover them up or change, however the league saw fit to remove us and we have accepted that decision.”

“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys.”

“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys.”

That’s standard apology code for “I don’t think we did anything wrong but since you snowflakes got offended, I have to apologize.” This guy still doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with what he and his team did. Fuck him.

I dont get what your first sentence had to do with anything but yea, it is pretty awesome how she overcame those odds.

Why does being white mean you have no stake in this?

She should also get a medal for the best genuine reaction to winning.