
Guys, I just want to say that The 100's fandom is one of my favorites here in The AV Club. Love reading all your comments all the time because they're really entertaining and everyone seems so open-minded. That's it.

I agree. Just last episode he joined the march of the soldiers to look for Clarke. Bellamy has grown to care for his people, especially his partner (Clarke, not Gina) and I think him jumping right into action makes sense for his character, and was cemented well by his cautious reminder to Clarke after she refused to

Maybe Octavia just seems so pretentious now. I get the jump from her ditzy episode 1 character, but also, calm yo tits, woman. I dunno, I liked her more in season 2. Not hating on her now, though. She just seems too pushy now

I was just happy to have seen Julianna Margulies get shot in a scene where the other woman was present, too.

I know, Greer and Leith seem to have the best post-romantic relationship on Reign. Well, Bach and Mary are okay but no one cares about Bach anymore. I even liked Greer's moment with Claude last episode.

I'm surprised you didn't comment on Megan Follow's fantastic delivery of "I am regent!" It was so glorious. And I also appreciated the badassery of Charles' scene though of course that came from practically nowhere. I'm wondering what they're going to do with Narcisse now, though. There was a time that he was my

That's what excites me about the show, and also a smart cheat for them. They can always keep expanding the universe with new kinds of people. So exciting.

What stood out for me there was the potential who was clearly a victim of domestic violence standing up for herself. That really got to me. But I like how they ended the sequence with the little girl. (I just saw the finale for the first time 10 mins ago, I know I'm super late.)

"…with Andrew whining about someone stealing his meatball Hot Pocket." It wasn't just anyone, Noel, it was Faith. (I loved that she arrives with a few bites left as Andrew looked on.)

My fondness for Andrew grew greatly because of Noel.

Julianna Margulies' acting is still on point even with glasses on. She's amazing.

I came into this episode without knowing it was their goodbye ep (didn't even see the title) and damn my tears were insane. I couldn't breathe by the end of it and I was crying for a good ten mins after. Somebody sedate me!

I just saw Buffy's The Body last night (first time going through Buffy and Angel religiously and it's been so amazing so far) and though it was brilliant in its own way, I think The Son handled the topic and characterization and nuances with more heart and it was just so fitting.

I just heard him say ChummyMaps in my head and yes, it works.

Wasn't so fond of a ChumHum episode without Neil Gross, which is weird, cause I never even really liked the character. I mean, he was okay, but not nearly as amusing as Colin Sweeney.

I know! All this time I thought it didn't and was a little thrown off when they mentioned it

I just felt like the love triangle was getting too repetitive. I don't mind the actual triangle, but I mean the arc. And now even if it's still there, I feel like we've moved on somehow since they've also grown as people/parents. Also I was starting to feel like they didn't know how to deal with Petra anymore and I

This episode was brilliant. Possibly the best JTV episode for me yet. It solved all my issues about the show so seamlessly.

I didn't like Matt Czuchry in Gilmore Girls and thought he wasn't a good actor but he is awesome as Cary. Esp in the start of season 6! I miss their firm, feisty Diane and even David Lee's professional indifference.

Olivia's character puts people in situations like that all the time. Yeah, it was stupid for Fitz to romanticize the marriage with that proposal but get over it. Dude, I have no issues with her not wanting to get married on a personal level. But it is the lesser evil as opposed to Eli being out and about again. (And