Mary McCurnin

The fact that this exists and the page is still active proves that Mark Zuckerberg is just as big of a fucking idiot as Trump.  Facebook's Terms & Conditions are meaningless and are only selectively enforced when it suits their bottom line.

I feel that this was but a peek into what Mueller has already found.  And though we won’t have enough Senate seats to convict, we can tie him and his sister up in impeachment proceedings for the rest of his hopefully short presidency.

The 53% (of white women, har, har, har) crew? Have you been following politics for the last two years? No, they are most definitely not going to “always be with him.” That’s already been partially proven.

Tax fraud did in Al Capone. I have no problem if that brings down Fat Ass as well.

With the huge NY Times exposé today of the profound tax frauds by the racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people, his father, and other family members, my hope is that it will become an increasingly scary time for the Frothy One and his family members. Even his Federal judge sister may be complicit in this! I

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

We aren’t designed to handle that much change, that fast? Really, Tucker? Really now.

“Ungrateful?” Oh fuck no. That *immediately* reads as racist and possibly sexist as well. I need that “flames coming out of my face” gif.