Mary McKenney

Makes sense. I was assuming a lot, and you know what that means about "u" (but not in this case) and "me."

Yes, she is a sad character indeed. But things may be looking up for her.

I've been worried about Kim forever, but this ep. seemed like it was going to seal her fate. First, her almost crashing into the oil rig, then the car accident. She's my favorite character on the show, and she will either get a raw deal one way or another or find a new and happy life. I sure hope it's the latter.

OK, just saw this. Sorry!

Why in the WORLD would you watch BCS for 3 seasons and then casually point out that you never saw BB? It's not that you need to have seen BB to follow BCS, but BB is a masterpiece.

So now a Nazi is anyone who critiques a statement and prefers accuracy to lazy spelling (or thinking)? Words matter. And misusing "poultry" for "paltry" is just pathetic.

Dan Jurzon: Brilliant!

Who is Other Cary?

Can't stand Eli anymore.

Armstrong fucked up the line. Instead of "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," he omitted the article "a," saying "One small step for man…." He later claimed that "static" had obliterated what he really said. See… for a fuller explanation.

It doesn't ring true that those would be his friends. He's a guy's guy. It just seemed like another writerly "Surprise!" because we were obviously expecting a bunch of middle-aged guys in flannel shirts.