
Coded cries for help

Spear phishing is getting pretty damn sophisticated lately. Phishers probably targeted a mid level employee or admin / assistant that would get shit if the didn’t reply swiftly to a real demand for document review, meeting confirmation etc.

Rick startles and wakes up, super clean shaven, wearing his sheriff outfit, lori rolls over and says “whats wrong?” “nothing...bad dream”

Again, I’d love to hear from the person who so vehemently attacked me when I suggested, months ago, that the FCC was full of shit about this “attack.” Funny how those folks never read the follow-up pieces....

The covert misogyny is a nice touch, too.

Sure, but. Your complaints will never be fully received well here because at the end of the day, the topic you wish to avoid was clearly in the title. No one tricked you. You clicked. You read. Your problem is about 99.9% on you.

Indeed, make America great outsourcing parts manufacturing and killing the unions by relocating assembly lines to union-hostile states.

Still waiting to find out what color the grass is.... ;)

The Republicans aren’t Nazis. The Nazis believed in science.

Against trump but I could def get aboard the save Brendan train. I think we, the former gawker now Univision Elite, should start a compaign to restore him to his rightful place in the American Cinematic Pantheon. #MakeHollywoodGreatAgain #Mummy3WasAnInsideJob #MonkeyBoneWasAGreatMovie #SoWasBedazzled