
I don’t understand this picture at all. Also, it scares me very, very much.

Future Biebz:

He looks like a Vine star. Or Periscope, whatever the tweens or dweebs are using these days.

Won’t most people just think that’s a picture of Donald Trump?

She goes on to add that if women want to be taken seriously in our quest for equality, we really should stop yawping “rape” every time we regret a lighthearted sexual caper.

OMG how does he miss the irony that aggression like the kind he displayed is literally the reason women prefer public dates. Sorry he turned out to be a buttwipe =/

Really sucks that we’re always the ones who have to move. This is an enhancement I’d like to see in stalking laws: Make them be the ones to move!

I had to move from an apartment a few years ago because of a next door stalker who did something similar to this. He waited for me one night outside my apartment, told me that God had said we were going to be married, and, when I told him I had a boyfriend, he spent the next two nights pacing and crying on my front

Seriously. They made it sound like some sort of religious pilgrimage. It’s just sex, folks! It’s like eating, farting and shitting, just another everyday human urge. Now chocolate! I would do anything to achieve Cocoa Nirvana.

I was followed home from the park after working my dogs today. I could hear him behind me saying things like “Oh she’s a tough bitch - she bossed those dogs so good - she can boss me - look at this bitch - where’s she going” and I was trying to control my dogs and text my husband to meet me at our front gate as I

A deranged man who believes he is entitled to a woman is actually the most realistic about all of this in my opinion.

Congratulations Ciara and Russell... On making sex the least sexy and most boring thing.

It’ll just be a ten minute blooper reel.

I just think this is funny because this relationship got more publicity and attention than Kanye’s Famous video. It probably makes him so mad, too.

Honestly, I wish we’d stop giving them the attention they want. Taylor, specifically.

Honestly, I wish we’d stop giving them the attention they want. Taylor, specifically.

I feel like people just use Audrey Hepburn to compare any current actress to actresses from the golden era of Hollywood. It’s kinda lazy if you think about it.

I’m pretty sure an Aubrey Hepburn comparison is like the center square of the creepy/sexist celeb profile bingo card.

Yup, this. While I’m okay with the live action remakes and still enjoy most of what Disney puts out, their movies of late really lack the life and excitement of their old films. Like, I’m waiting for the next Lion King or the next great princess film... and waiting... and waiting... and waiting...