I typically hate paparazzi people, but I will pretty much always root for the person who isn’t Chris Brown.
I typically hate paparazzi people, but I will pretty much always root for the person who isn’t Chris Brown.
And there’s your occasional reminder to never forget just how big a pile of trash Chris Brown is.
Does he really think the people having emergencies in the emergency room give even half a shit about some random white guy who looks like every other white guy on this planet?
I appreciate that it takes a fair amount of gumption to start and maintain a business but you HAVE TO treat your staff and vendors and customers respectfully or shit will just never really work out for you. Not that the shine was sparkling all that hard on these businesses that resell cheaply made fast fashion at…
“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”
I’m just wondering if it’s this Amanda Lauren. If it is, then the article makes a lot more sense.
Okay can we talk about xoJane lately?? The other day I read the one from the woman who says that she thinks straight men just become gynecologists to grope women and I just
Holy shit yes. I hadn’t been by the site in about three or four years, and a couple weeks ago I found myself there and was just appalled. It’s all horrific click-bait headlines from awful people telling awful stories about awful things.
“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.
It would have been SOOO much better if they’d had Kylie do this. It would have been (almost) believable and taken off like a rocket.
the scare was that she wasn’t getting enough attention.
First off, those Clear Blue Digital tests aren’t super sensitive, so it’s best to wait a week post your missed period for an accurate result
This is because women won’t date “nice guys.” The only reason you can’t get a date, and women seem to act like you are creepy, is that you are a nice guy. Women always treat nice guys poorly. Get angry the next time a girl doesn’t act thrilled by your massively entitled, slightly stalkerish attention and call her a…
Honestly, it is the most narrow-minded, weak and stupid view for these dudes to take that nothing deserves their time other than more stories from their own perspectives. My main response to the whole “chick flick” shit when I hear it these days (or “chick lit”) is a sigh of pity, because what these guys don’t get is…
It was back in college while speaking to the type of guy I’ve distanced myself from ever since, that I first came to understand that what a “chick flick” really was to the kind of people who use the phrase in earnest is just a regular movie was a female protagonist, that’s it.
Well first of all, by dudes I don't mean The Dude. He is forever good in my book. But in reference to this article, it is the dudes who automatically view a show as lesser because it has many women. In general, I view that subset as just douchey guys.
The obvious solution is for all us bitches to start down-voting the piss-poor movies that don’t pass the Bechdel test(yes, all those ones you didn’t rate but watched on HBO because whatever you’re paying for it anyway, might as well or because your s/o wanted to watch it or your brother or whatever who cares). Let’s…
I once had a conversation with a guy who was incredibly angry and offended that I liked the show, Girls. He went on and on about how awful it was, how puerile, how infantile, how idiotic these girls were, how selfish, and what bad acting the show produced. He couldn’t figure out why anyone would ever watch that show.…
First of all, to all the assholes who said that they didn’t get why she was suing him because he said it was fine to work with other producers, here’s a massive I told you so. Once a controlling prick, always a controlling prick.