
and he probably makes tons of money! and his ex girlfriend is a model.

He was probably a really nice guy.

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

Yeah that statement is ridiculous. It’s sad that in 30 years he’s continued to be a shitbag and not say anything. Him having to go to court now, at 90 years old is a result of his choice to do the wrong thing and not correct it (for 30 years!)

I can’t imagine circumstances under which Hefner wouldn’t have known what was going on under his nose. I imagine everyone knew except for the prey.

It’s obviously kind of sad. Mr. Hefner is 90 years old now, and we’re suing him for what he’s done the 30-plus years he was friends with Mr. Cosby. It doesn’t make us happy...


She isn’t 7 now, fair enough; but you’re still calling a child a liar despite the fact her adult self has stuck to the same story for 20 years. It’s too bad that your awareness hasn’t prompted you to be part of the solution, but rather has enabled you to feel justified in being part of the problem. As for me, I think

As a female rape victim, made up accusations bother me less than people making up reasons not to believe people coming forward. I just removed someone I cared about very much from my life because a person I don’t know well disclosed to me that he had raped her. I wasn’t there, but I don’t need to be. Given everything

You’re standing up for an old white man squaring off against a seven-year-old girl. That’s hardly the stuff of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” In other words, all you’ve actually done is throw your support behind the kind of person the world always supports—the very type of person who does not need some faceless Jezebel stan

I don’t want any adult’s face near my child’s lap. Any adult who puts their face near her lap, family or otherwise, will rue that they crossed that line. I’m sorry the adults in your life didn’t have better boundaries.

I’m left pondering how a supposed feminist could wax so bitterly about people failing to consider that he might not be guilty. Like, have you ever actually dealt with the rape culture? Because even though innocent until proven guilty is supposed to be a legal standard, it’s also become the defining standard for the

Perfectly legal contact like the nanny finding him with his face in Dylan’s crotch?

I’m going to lay it out as simply as I can for you: As far as I know, his parental rights were terminated. Do you understand what it takes to have parental rights terminated? This is something the Supreme Court says is a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of all Americans. As such, it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have parental rights

I have certainly considered whether Allen might be not guilty. I also considered whether he was guilty. After carefully thinking about the matter, I came to the conclusion that Allen was almost certainly guilty (the only reason there’s an almost in there is because I have to go off media reports, like everybody else).

yup. My sisters and I were molested as children and just recently I’ve heard that some “family friends” are disputing my/our credibility. Yeah, the three of us have the same stories and memories and we’re all adults now and have never waivered from being up front about our abuser and the things he did to us. We all

Yeah, tons of feminists use the word ‘hysterical’ unironically!

Especially since he brags that their “love” grew out of his “paternal role” in her life.

The number of people who have no fucks to give for Allen’s behaviour really amplifies the horror of his behaviour.

Seriously. Good for her.