
I was a Bernie supporter for most of the primary but now that shit is getting real I’m in full Hillary mode. She’s going to pummel Trump into the ground and I’m really excited to see her kick some ass now.

Now, I'm freaking out how close Trump is to the presidency. This whole Republican nomination process has been an unmitigated nightmare of epic proportions. Everyone was horrible in their own ways.

This is old but it’s new to me.

I think death threats and coming after your children counts as at least bullying. Roy may not be a good or smart person but no one deserves that. I guess we need a new word, if bullying and abuse won't do?

Poor Rita.

That photo looks less like a posed selfie and more like a drive by snap and post. Rita didn’t even have time to make sure her face wasn’t covered by a giant shadow before posting it to her story.

That first Vera Wang photograph is very, very funny.

It’s interesting that she chose to wear Steven Tyler’s entire body, face, and hair as an outfit. Certainly fits the theme.

I'm so literal about themes, I'd show up wrapped in HDMI cables and microchips.

Taylor. Nope.

There’s apparently going to be a coordinated attack by the Balmain Army.

Jordana Dunn

Can I live stream this? I’m in the mood to just look at pretty people wearing pretty dresses.

Holy shit Anna Wintour is finally wearing different heels.

Do they? Looks very much the opposite of the theme for me.

I’ll buy it.

I won’t have to know after I gouge out my eyes but if I were to bet I’d say Kylie is incredibly boring.

Is Chyna/Tyga sex tape will go into competition with Kylie/Tyga sex tape as a reality show, which sex tape is better??

I just thought I’d leave this here. Also, I work at a girls’ boarding school. Guess what’s going around!