Paul Feig’s movie trailers are always terrible. But then the movie is hilarious (Spy and Bridesmaids).
Paul Feig’s movie trailers are always terrible. But then the movie is hilarious (Spy and Bridesmaids).
I wish I’d known there was such a thing as emancipation from one’s parents as a child. Because that was my life 24/7.
You know if she was truly interested in forming a positive relationship with her daughter she wouldn’t have said any of this to a tv show. She’s just interested in playing more mind games with her daughter.
“Ariel should ask herself what she did to make me act like I did! She’s emotionally abusing me by holding me accountable for my behavior!”
“I have been physically abused, and I believe all of this is emotional abuse. Ariel should ask herself, ‘has Ariel ever raised a hand to her mother? Has Ariel ever done anything she’s ashamed of to her mother?’”
That’s not Christianity. That’s using Christianity and god as an excuse to be an oppressive misogynst asshole. And I say that as an atheist. This is not how I see the Christians in my life living.
certain celebrities, yes.
I’m lactose intolerant so I’ve found that drinking a milkshake or eating some brie is a delicious way to “detox” my body.
Them perched on the statue of two parrots fucking really gives it a certain je ne sais quoi quality! Classy for sure.
Really? I don’t get the craze over the Hadid sisters. They look completely average to me. If anything, Kendall is way more beautiful. I’m just so over all the blondes/blue eyes.
You’re right, that walk is NOT good. It’s like she’s had one too many drinks at the beach and is hoping to make it to the can in time.
There are no more supermodels. There are models with massive social media followings, preferably members of Taylor’s Squad. Honestly, for fashion these days, it’s either an “Insta Girl” or a celeb. Of the two, I prefer the former.
I agree. He’s always cheated and dollars to donuts he always will. She can either accept it or leave. I’m tired of hearing her whine about it.
You face lips are too small!
Can Kylie Jenner’s Labia Lip Kit be far behind?