
I assume they'll continue to do so. Without any thought.

I’m awfully, genuinely scared of what could happen to the world. Britain is no longer part of the EU. Boris Buffoon Johnson could very well be the next PM. He has promised Farage a place in his cabinet. The US could vote in Trump as president. Putin is president of Russia. Maybe we’re all going to die from stupidity?

FUCK YOU ADAM. You're literally a part of the problem. YOU FUCKING PRICK.

Nigel Farage has ran his entire campaign on promising that the £350m we give to the EU each week (we don’t) he will spend on the NHS and leaving the EU will mean we can close our borders and ‘control immigration’. At 6:45am this morning, merely two hours after he won his campaign, he said he won’t be giving anything

I'm 22. People over the age of 60, who won't be here on this earth much longer, have decided my entire fucking future. Fuck them. I'm not sorry.

So, who else of my fellow Brits are now planning to emigrate? Because I am! The U.K. will now become far right hell. I'm getting out of here.

Omg your comment gives me life :,)

Is anyone else already sick to the back teeth of Taylor and Tom?

Sucky day too! I'm with you.

I will never stop being confused over Bryan Adams and Ryan Adams. I had to google just to check, again.

Why would a woman vote against abolishing tax on tampons? I think it’s similar in the US as it is in the UK, that sanitary products are classed as ‘luxury items’ and so have a high tax attached to them. We had a vote to abolish this tax and so many women (of the Conservative party of course) voted against it. Why?!

I wonder how long it'll be until Demi slags someone off on snapchat? Sometimes it's best just to keep your mouth shut.

That put a smile on my face for the first time in like a month. Thanks for sharing.

Wow that top has 0 breast support.

I cannot wait for season 2 it has been too long. And the conclusion wasn't underwhelming at all. It was perfect.

So LG5 2018 then? Cool.

The whole of the UK is in shock right now. It’s so very, very disheartening.

Thank you <3


This is absolutely awful and heartbreaking. I’ve had four miscarriages but not as far as having to give birth at 32 weeks. But I understand some of the stuff. I’ve put on three fucking stone and now I’m so fat and don’t have anything to show for it. Constantly leaking milk and having massive rock hard painful tits for