
But, mid-term elections are so booooring. I KID! I KID!

I agree with the things McCain says on occassion, but I find myself rarely (if ever) agreeing with his actions. He talks a good game, and tries to act as some moral authority for the GOP, but he folds like a wet paper bag once it’s time to cast his vote... and only holds out on account of ‘not enough money for the

Wurlitzer of bullshit

That’s it, in a nutshell. John Boehner has to be the most content man on the fucking planet right now... being forced out right before the shit hits the fan. He was a shitbird, and champion of the upper class, but at least he was playing the long game and taking into consideration the public response to forcing

I think this is pretty spot-on and is something I’ve been saying to folks for years now. It really hit home to me in the closing weeks of the 2012 election during the peak of the “unskew the polls” phenomenon. The rubes were eating this shit up as usual, but then it became obvious that plenty of actual power players

I laughed so hard at “lightly killed” that I pulled something in my back, so thanks.

Copy: “Belgian white, milk, and dark chocolate mice are tempered until smooth and creamy and neatly arranged in a tin, ready for giving.”

I don’t think I’m comfortable with the only Jewish item in this catalog being made by fucking Nordic Ware.