MaryBeth Pearson

Nope, sorry it isn't intolerance. Tolerance means agreeing to disagree. Disagreement doesn not equal hatred.
Disagreement with a belief system is not the same as hatred of a person.
Not all Muslims are violent, and some do really believe their religion is peaceful.
Mohammad was everything I mentioned. This is

I am well acquainted with the Purtians, having been a History Major, and agree that extremism is dangerous. However, Islam is inherently worse. It was started by a warlord who married a 6 year old girl, though he waited until she was 9 before consumating. He also beat his many wives. The Quran instructs that it

So I was wrong? Ok, in this case, I am glad to be so, and glad that you don't fit into a mould.
Yes, I know who I am. A person who holds her own opinions, and who doesn't care if they are popular.
You are also welcome to your opinions.
Agreeing to disagree! What a great idea!
Have a great night!

Why thank you!
Yes, I know it wasn't a compliment.
It was something along the lines of,
"She is so stupid and deluded. She really thinks men aren't oppressors. She is probably some hilly billy Trump supporter, who only believes what men tell her. Probably wears jean skirts and thinks it is her mission in life to pump

Never said I was a victim. I did say I was hated, and you provided a beautiful example. Thanks for that. See, I am not a victim because I refuse to be one. I state the obvious, you hate me, but I don't give you or anyone else power over me to hurt me. Therefore, I am not a victim.
Annoying, isn't it?

"A rose by any other name…"
Islam is a political ideology bent on world domination, created by a Medieval, megalomaniac, warmongering, pedophile warlord. I know far more about Islam than you think. True, some who follow it are blind to its evils, and really do think they are following a peaceful path. Not saying

Now now, you aren't telling a woman what to do, are you? How very misogynist. Totes not in vouge right now. I am afraid I have a right to express my opinion, as you do yours.
Rant away, maybe try insults? They always help an agrument. Wait…

Women do not get paid less for the same job, same hours. Enough. That is bunk. A clerk in a company will not get paid the same as a CEO.
Let's say a guy and a girl are both clerks.
If the guy works 40 hours a week, and the girl works 40 hours a week, their paycheck will be the same.
If a girl works overtime, she will

Nope, wrong. The tenor of my agrunent implied no such thing. You are certainly reading a whole lot of bias into this! I am well aware of the struggles women have faced in the past. I never denied them. I spoke in the present tense, about one nation. Do women face harassment from jerks, yes. Are women raped,

Nope, not a complex, a fact. I didn't call it persecution, I simply said I am hated for my beliefs. I never said persecuted for them. Read this thread and feel the hatred towards me and my views.

You aren't oppressed if your biggest realistic worry is that someone may not agree with you, and that people may not 100% on board with killing unborn children. You may face hardship, but you are not being presecuted, stoned, beaten, or having your head cut off.
Unless you have been raped, beaten, lost your job

I am well aware of that. I never claimed to be a mouth piece for society.
I am hated for my views, though I hate no one. Society hates any views which do not conform to the cause du jour.
Disagreement is considered hate speech. Meh, whatever. I learned long ago that it is ok to swim upstream and that being in the

I am sorry you feel so much hatred. I am sorry people have been mean to you.
I have denied exactly zero rights to anyone. You are a lesbian? Ok. What does it matter to me? You have a right to be whatever you want to in this country.
I don't hate Muslim women, I feel pity for them. I can despise an ideology, but

Ah, what an incredible example of tolerance you are! You don't agree with me, so I am a bigot. You are the righteous one, while at the same time, engaging in name calling. Nice.

We are not a pen stroke away from anything. Study up on the Constitution, and relax on that account.
Women can make choices, and not everyone has to agree with those choices.
Not everyone has to applaud them. Disagreement does not equal hatred.
While you are worried about someone disagreeing with your life choices, and

I have heard of Quvierfull, yes, and I despise it. Like I said, those groups are fringe groups, that have to basically re write the Bible to justify their actions.
Again, fringe groups, not representative of the whole. I can say this because I know the source of Christianity, and its founder.
People twist Scripture

This all would probably happen if we caved to being ruled by Islam. Islam, the ideology of a Medieval, warmongering, pedophile walord. The ideology that believes women are property, routinely participates in FGM, and teaches that women are "fields to be plowed."

As long as they are cool with being a muck raking, yellow journalism loving publication, whose journalists couldn't hack it in the real news world, ok then.

So much hatred. The Far Left is going psychotic.

Yellow Journalism. Unprofessional trash. The President is no saint, but your libelous attacks are childish and pathetic.