
It really isn’t. It’s overstaying its welcome for sure, since it’s mostly regurgitating the same old complaints and memes. The difference is that a lot of the analyses and gripes they had were legitimate AND they’ve managed to channel that into something positive when Emilia Clarke confessed she suffered from an

I like to think that, at its deepest core, it’s really a subreddit about Bobby B

I bet a lot of them *have* updated their resumes, and it wouldn’t surprise me if headhunters have been sending emails to various employees about other employment options.

Something something Jobs growing on Jobbies.

“I didn’t realize we made someone feel bad because I couldn’t see her face,” doesn’t really hold water for me, because the entire smug, self-satisfied, smarmy tone that they had was clearly intended to make someone feel bad.

If you stay awhile and listen

-100 points for not using Final Antasy when it was right there.

I mean, I get why they didn’t involve him since he already has a show right now, but yeah it seems like he would have appreciated hearing Jensen was developing it instead of being completely left out of the loop. Misha Collins being left out of the loop is even worse IMO because he’s not doing anything major that I’m

I would venture to guess that the great majority of people would fail the societal standards of today if their early teenage years were video recorded for posterity.

You’re gonna need a bigger bucket.

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

“There was a while at the beginning of the year,” said Bromander, “when a lot of the negative comments were really starting to get to me, and—combined with the overwhelmed feelings—I was just like, ‘I don’t even want to work on this anymore. I’m done.’”

They have mental illnesses! Them, over there. Not us, over here. We don’t have problems like that.

There are many photos and they all look fully sewn. I wouldn’t think they’d show full on open crotch shots without any editing if these were crotchless in the way I think of things being crotchless, but that would be a lot of photos on different models to edit. And they talk about the open sexy surprise back in the

It is journalism by definition, even though you think it is somehow lesser.

Yeah but he wouldn’t hit me because I’m not a woman.

Scabs hired to be yes men to the dumbasses in charge of G/O Media get no clicks from me.