
Powerpuff Girls v Batman

This is it exactly.

The best part is they are literally missing the whole point of the video:

This dude has no obligation to be this transparent. This dude has no obligation to pay his team at the level he does, or to make charitable donations, or to go out of his way to discourage excessive subscriptions and undercut performative donations from his fans. He says things like “I’m happy to pay my taxes...I’m

Man, I do not care for this trend of micro teasers. Just release a full teaser trailer when your ready to get the marketing ball rolling not this weird half assed shit.

I mean, men CAN channel at the beginning of the books.

The part in the timeline where they’re setting the new series still has Sauron able to take on a fair form, so he’ll probably look like an attractive, tall elf. 

I’m still confused about this movie. I feel like watching something like this after watching the character die a while ago makes it lose all its steam.

What I wouldn’t give to be a fly  ant on the wall every time an actor gets a phone call from their agent that they’re going to be in a comic book movie and they have to ask them to clarify whether it is Marvel or DC.

It’s a question that needs asked, but we may also be finding out that without Stark bankrolling, Cap making speeches and Natasha threatening to uncover buried bodies, the government treats the Avengers very differently.

Hawkeye is going to be lucky to escape prison. Hulk isn’t going to be super trusted. Dr. Strange is

No man, you see the invisible hand of the free market has a way of shutting down legitimate sex offenders

Or they sat with their lawyers and did a risk assessment of admitting sexual misconduct vs. the potential for future lawsuits and decided that it would be ultimately more profitable to not find wrongdoing + institute a bunch of future practices meant to protect the CEO and other executives.

Double-threat: alien wizard.

OKay, it’s great. But. But!

Also, and maybe I’m just misinterpreting it, but it sounds vaguely threatening. Like they’re egging people to attach a name so they can identify and punish.

Yeah... it would be a real shame if Star Citizen’s release were delayed by a week.

Crazy that kids are acting like a game from 2006 is ancient history.

Because she did a photoshoot with a world-famous phootgrapher where you can see her nipples, she deserved to be harassed and bullied on national TV? C’mon man, do better. 

I like how you call expected to be treated with respect “wanting attention”.

I’ll preface this by saying that I am in no way defending Whedon, that, despite being a fan of his work for many years, I realize now is a piece of shit.