
Yeah, no, I don’t buy that comparison. Fighting Game Tournaments exist for the sole purpose of competitive play, with the entry fee largely going to the prize pool and venue fees going to TOs run things smoothly. And you never see them called “Street Fighter Live”, they have their own names like “EVO” or “CEO”,

That first time you come across the Butcher and he talks to you.

I don’t really play scary games (I’m a wimp) but playing Diablo as a kid always stood out to me. I sneaked downstairs after my parents had went to bed and played with the lights off and with headphones on and the Tristram theme song always scared the crap out of me. There is something incredibly eerie about that song

Guess it needed more ball pits.

The idea of “healthy at every size” is not that a specific individual will be equally healthy at any size. The idea is that weight alone is not a good general indicator of health as one person’s healthy weight may be another person’s concerningly under- or overweight. Alas, “It is possible for people to live healthy

“I didn’t read the post!”

“We feel that body positivity is all about being confident in your body. There is no better way to improve body confidence than by improving your health and figure.”

Laxatives. It’s always laxatives.

This is why the way this article presents criticism of research as valid bothers me. We need MORE research, not ladies who think understanding the chemistry of our "divine" puss juice is somehow undermining it. No. More knowledge is more power, period. 

So, this guy effectively:
1: Accessed your account without permission.

And she followed that up with “smells literally divine”, a kind of new misuse of the word “literally” that I haven’t quite wrapped my head around yet. 

full flowing feminine fountain” really?

You kinda gotta admire the people that DO what the rest of us fantasize about tho.

RIP Burt Macklin.

I really didn’t like him before. I didn’t enjoy his role in Guardians or Jurassic Park. He just seemed like a dudebro who got ripped.

Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

All that crazy banning sounds like what happens here lol.

Thanks, Mom.

Fair enough, but my expression and body language to this is expressed perfectly by Tony.