
I mean, that’s basically the “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...” of the Bible. It’s a pretty straightforward translation for a line that already carries cetain expections (what with it being around for pretty much forever and everyone knows the line).

lol I was with you until baby leashes. My baby doesn't walk yet but I imagine she'll be crazy as all fuck and I'll definitely need one if those leash things. (I also hope she walks soon because she's like 22 pounds now and my arms can't take it) 

You can only do so much when you’re given a pre-written script that anybody else would probably look similar if they did it.

I loved the writing, but there was something about reading this book at this particular moment in history that felt unsettling. “Don’t touch my ribbon” in the era of Christine Blasey Ford just brought up a lot.

The Average white American has .9% native DNA which is within the range of Warren’s 1.4% to .09%.  Actually she has a higher percentage chance of being more white then the average white America.

And they often do; it helps them feel less guilty about living on stolen land and being complicit in the continuing oppression of Native Americans.

Johnny Depp has a big teenage following in 2018? I have no way of confirming or refuting your statement because I don’t actively know any teenagers, but it seems incorrect.

“Ms Rowling, can you understand why fans are upset that-”

Apparently Drew didn’t realize that by calling out people for posting the same gif over and over that people were going to post this, the king of all gifs, over and over.

Bow before the one true GIF

“The Left is just a meme of lunacy come to life.”

Ah yes, the obsession over “logic” and “reason” by people who think that bleating back the fallacious strawman arguments of some Youtube brain genius is what qualifies as critical thinking.

Look, honest question: Do you think that 4chan and 8ch trolls prefer that you ignore their memes, or write 1000-word think pieces on them?

“When trying to figure out what the crystal wand is, Sheldon says, “The gift card said it was the perfect gift, but it’s not a dinosaur fossil or matching pocket watches so I don’t see how it can be.” Charming, how he has the mind of a 12-year-old boy!”

I love this feature, Hazel, and will miss it (much more than BBT) when it’s gone. Feel free to do this with any show that claims to be on its last season.

I can’t wait to read about how historically inaccurate this is by someone with no history background of any kind.

The texts from Ms. Berchem do not appear relevant or contradictory to Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony.”

I hadn’t realized that she had told him about her father before he said that. It’s good that he apologized, but it says something about him that he thought it was appropriate to 1.) answer a question with another question and to 2.) take such a personal shot at his questioner in the middle of a confirmation hearing.

You know what’s really, really enraging? That these assholes want to question her but only want to do it through a “lady prosecutor.” Because they know it doesn’t play well to have a bunch of white men asking her about her sexual assault. Fuck you, guys. If you want to call her a liar, YOU DO IT IN YOUR OWN VOICES.

Yes, clearly what this situation needed was more pedantry.