
It’s not an inconvenient truth. It’s a very convenient lie, because it allows you to blame an entire gender for your loneliness instead of addressing any of your personal problems that stop you from attracting women.

What if she doesn’t, for whatever reason? Why does it matter?

So in that sense: yes, she did “have this shit coming”. It’s not like she coincidentally happened to have a large chest and decided to wear a bit more lightly during a hot summer day.

Someday, I hope one of these guys sees the hypocrisy in whining about the PC crybabies who don’t like their opinion.

Women who have large chests and dress lighter for practical reasons get harassment too, though. It’s just as predictable. Why does this women deserve her insults and they don’t?

I like her. The misogyny directed at her when she was considering a run in Kentucky was super depressing.

I think she has the right to deal with them as she wants. That said, it was one of my first thoughts too. Surprised one of the first comments isn’t “See girls, this is how you deal with it!”

At what point do you “have this shit coming?” If it’s hot, is it okay to wear a tank top without purposely trying to show your boobs? If you have large breasts, can you get away with a turtleneck, or should you stay off the Internet? What about generally being female?

I’m not sure what you mean by that - I’m not comfortable saying rape is more traumatic for one more than the other. Female rape is considered more of an issue because of its frequency and history of institutionalization. Guys are taught to repress it in a different way, doesn’t make it less hard for the individual.

Just like these girls are coming to rape the dude? Same thing, I don’t get what your problem is. Let the fujoshi decide for themselves whether they’re comfortable with it or not.

I’m a fan of elf.

Not any more than this one unless they went that route. Shooting cute bishounen with a love gun sounds great.

Feminists don’t hate all forms of sexualization - we don’t like it when men and women are treated differently. To some degree, porn gets a pass since it’s purposely unrealistic. There’s no reason to care, despite how much you want someone to fight against.

Looks kinda fun, I’d play a gender-swapped version.

The only real tip I care about at this point is how to play for more than three minutes at a time. :/

It’s a nice sentiment. Kind of unfortunate that companies feel the need to make amazing games with tons of free content just to get people to pay, though.

He looks like a great cat. I’m sorry for your loss :(

I had a roommate who stole food, too! I confronted her about it nicely and she denied it, then it kept happening. I ended up hiding the stuff I really cared about... It’s a tough situation. I thought about adding laxative to my food on purpose, buuuuut poisoning people is generally a bad idea.

That’s nice. I tried Ipsy for a few months, and the value is good but I kept getting stuff like black mascara after marking I didn’t want them. I got the Allure box yesterday, pretty happy about it.

We weren’t going to do a first dance, but then it seemed like we really needed it to get people on the floor and into the after-dinner mood. So we did it anyway, no big deal.