“... the gall to complain about sexism...” That’s pretty clearly implying they shouldn’t be complaining about sexism.
“... the gall to complain about sexism...” That’s pretty clearly implying they shouldn’t be complaining about sexism.
The OP’s post suggests that white women don’t have a right to complain about sexism. How is that not a form of silencing?
I was kinda disappointed in Glossybox! I didn’t like the coffee scrub or the lip gloss, and my blush got destroyed during shipping. It sounds like I might be better off the highlighter I got as a replacement though.
Boxycharm is supposed to be really good. I don’t like a lot of skincare products, so I’ve been thinking of switching away from Glossybox.
I got it in my box and ended up giving it to a friend. I didn’t like the taste or texture.
Hmm. It’s better to solve the underlying issue, then, but I’m not really qualified to give advice on that. As other users have suggested, sexy lingerie is a good way to boost your confidence while getting the message across. You could also just plainly ask if he’s willing to have sex right then. Kind of takes some of…
Does he know you want to have sex more often? You could also ask him to initiate more, maybe while offering to do more of the stuff he likes.
He outright says that looks *do* matter. The thing is, they don’t matter as much as people think. It’s great to have a realistic idea of your own level of attractiveness, but this is a guy that’s constantly down on himself - looking in the mirror and telling himself that he’s hot is a step to solving his confidence…
I’m a bit leery of buying classic games on Steam ever since they started selling that overpriced, buggy version of HOMM3.
I’m a woman and the setting isn’t very appealing to me; if I’m going to spend the time on a large open-world game, I’d rather finally finish Skyrim. The online thing may be a component too. Women are typically less likely to play online games, and the only time I’ve played GTA is with a group of IRL friends.
lol you don’t think it’s obnoxious to complain about other people’s comments? If you don’t like other peoples’ comments, go make your own comment section, because you aren’t solving anything here. You could apply your own argument to pretty much anything.
The entanglement of classism with sexism and racism is a discussion worth having; I agree with that. But the way you bring it up makes me think you care less about having that discussion and more about getting recognition for your own suffering. Your tone came off as if you wanted everyone to stop focusing on their…
You shouldn’t bring up a form of persecution just to shut down the discussion for another minority. Plus, that’s a bold statement to make when you haven’t experienced racism or sexism. I’m a woman in a STEM field who grew up relatively poor; 15 years ago, poverty was the biggest barrier to my success. Now? People…