Sweet Caroline

They seem to be heading in that direction with Alaska right now, which I don't understand. Because Alaska has been KILLING it in a way that's unique for maybe the entirety of the show.

Still weird to me that Courtney ended up third rather than second. She had a strange edit.

I'm so, so glad Tatianna is getting another chance. She's really talented, and she definitely went home too early.

Yeah, Willam threw a fit last week on Twitter because of the way Phi Phi (presumably) has been treated this season. Phi Phi definitely says/starts some shit, but if Willam (someone previously shown as being attacked by Phi Phi) will stand up for her, it means something to me.

Alaska just launched her "Puppet" video and I am in love.

SO I'm going to unload a bunch of theories here because this ep pretty much solidified a few things for me. In my mind. Note.

I feel like Heather might have shared that with her at some point?

I think the best description I've heard of his aging process is, "He didn't get fat… He just got wider."

I'm happy in the sense that it will propel the show along, unhappy that it offers a reward for Rebecca's behavior. I know they'll address this, but I hope it doesn't deter (too much) Rebecca's journey in focusing on her own happiness. I am sad when she is sad.

He looks like a Kennedy, but sober.

I loved Heather including "dude" in her reprise of "Settle for Me." It's a neat (dare I say, cool) recontextualization of schmoopy pie.

For a first season, I think it was really solid, along with being extremely warm, which is something a lot of funny shows can lack. It took a few episodes for the writing to catch up with the chemistry of the actors, but I was sold completely by the extended gags in "Mannequin".


Real Friends is beautiful, it's sort of the opposite of his work in Yeezus, all restraint and introspection.

Oh my god, when they began humming "Stronger than You", I teared up.

22 titles that are bad despite not being "Rape of Thrones"

I loved Honeymoon, it's easily the album I've listened to the most this year. The stretch from "Religion" to the end is unstoppable, and overall the album is remarkably consistent (especially compared to her previous work). I was sad we didn't get a review of Honeymoon or Froot here.

The Bell Jar and sex montage?? I'm in. Also, I gotta read Modern Romance, I've heard nothing but good things.

There with you… I'm sure she thinks it's Raf's, but I think the baby's father is actually Roman Zazo.

Now begins the reign of Game of Thrones