Sweet Caroline

Jenny Trout did a great chapter-by-chapter breakdown of all of the problematic shit in the books. They really are horrific.

I still maintain that Cheers perfected the will-they-won't-they relationship with Sam and Diane.

Especially seeing as the last four seasons were basically about how Ted needs to get the fuck over Robin, and how they would never work as a couple…

"The 30-year-old Man Posing As a Boy Next Door"

Wow, after reading this review, I might actually want to see this? Is there a trace of goofy goober left in my cynical heart?

*stares at the camera, smirks*

You deserve a pat on the back!

Okay, so that was Jon Hamm's voice at the end of the Mercedes-Benz ad, right?


Where instead of picking one of the three houses, he picks all three houses.

Ann Coulter, right?

They will henceforth be banished to that terrifying prison… the Crock Pot.

I liked Catfish a lot. It was compelling and unexpectedly kind. Plus Nev hadn't yet adopted his half bitchy, half hopeless optimist camera personality, so he seemed like a real person.

I love the detail of Hannah immediately asking about an $800 apartment after viewing the ridiculously nice $250 apartment. Because of course she would.

Fucking I love Elijah. Personally, I think his following Hannah to Iowa is less of a plot convenience and more a symbol of how the two both sort of want to return to their undergraduate years together, where their lives were less complicated and they held considerably less responsibility.

But she won't, because of the implication.

They must be plotzing!

"Mmm. A sort of an oaky afterbirth."

1-10 will just be ten episodes of Arrested Development.

I don't want to say that something bad will happen if "Casino Night" isn't listed… But something bad will happen if "Casino Night" isn't listed.