A Sat Morning Cartoon Villian

This episode takes me back to season 1 and the very first lines Krieger said…
Malory: Well, what about the ground breaking work that Dr. Krieger is doing for ISIS in our Applied Research Division?
Pam: Yeah, tell him about the sex robot.
Malory: Yes, the.. what?
Krieger: I call him Fister Roboto.
Pam: But it doesn't just

As soon as Ravi opened that door and Peyton came rushing in and I saw Ravi in his robe with his disheveled hair I knew he had had sex with his bossy former boss lady. I hoped it wasn't true that they wouldn't pull such cliched romance trick but dammit they did. Argh!

That would have been a better story.

The reason people are harder on Juliette than Adalind is because Juliette should've known better. She wasnt raised by an evil apathetic hexenbiest she was a good guy and supposedly loved Nick. But to suddenly hate him so much simply because he was trying to prevent her from killing an innocent unborn child, granted it

How can it be Carl? It seems that you missed a bit at the end there if you'd paid a bit more attention you would have heard when Negan told his cronies that if anyone tried to defend the person about to be "Lucilled" they should cut out Carls other eye and feed it to Rick. So therefore Rick and Carl are exempt from

When i saw the first road block i was assuming there would be a car chase, shooting.. any action… awesomeness… the Winnebago would charge through the blockade doing its best to get to hilltop while the saviours chased them. Rick and the group would be defending the vehicle, shooting at the pursuers while

And so begins Fear The Walking Dead: Dead Seas Piracy

Hear, hear!

Did anyone else notice that during the montage in Carl's scene where he picked up the gun with the wooden grip there was a carving of a bat with some sort of vine around it.

Unfortunately i watched Dragon ball super first before this episode of TWD so i was stuck with this episode's awful after taste.

Like kenshin fears to become battousai the man slayer ever again.

I disagree. I believe he ĺeft michonne for later to torture before killing her. He couldn't torture her in their last camp since it was very open and there wasn't privacy but in the prison they are isolated wards with sufficient privacy where sound won't carry

Idris Elba ftw

Also he was the bad guy in Nikita

nice one. lol


Oh thank you. That got a real LOL

Fury Road

If I may render a verdict…. A definitive Splooshtastic episode

I thought this episode was a bit over the top. Yes i agree with the reviewer Sasha is a rather hard to define character without the the main stereotypes. She right now or rather her activities in this episode is an amalgamation of both Andreas and Michonnes activities in the comic book in Alexandria at this stage.