I know not everything is a conspiracy. I just know that something about the entire thing feels off.
I know not everything is a conspiracy. I just know that something about the entire thing feels off.
Get the “In Heat of the Night” movie from 1967 and you can see it all you like. Poiter did slap the crap out of that man. It was priceless.
Wait a minute? A black man with a BLM t-shirt and a hat saying something about jailing 45 walks into a GOP rally?!?!
I’ve always felt that somebody set somebody up with this. There is more to this story than we’ll ever know. With that said, looking now, I think that Jada just set Will up.
250K dirt cheap? Wow!!! That’s expensive here. Us locals don’t make that kind of monies, but the housing market has exploded so much that people think we do.
They need to just own it. They don’t want them there because they’re black. The mother has the monies to stay and white folk don’t like it. There isn’t anything more to say. They just don’t like.
I read an article about the people in that community. One person said he had taken all they had left. I’ll go further, he has taken what we all had left.
Yeah, I saw that lunatic. The Democratic leadership there have opened up ethics charges against her. She’s already been censored once. But the Dems fell short of getting her kicked out. You know that GQP wouldn’t let that happen.
What’s really the telltale sign is that silence. I wonder what the likes of Tim Scott has to say about his party the GQP not giving a damn about Buffalo?
You’re not wrong. Any brown or black person, a sniper would have caught him in the head at first sight. Done deal.
You went there. You really went there. I’d star you more if I could.
Probably tonight. At least before the week’s out.
You’re late. It’s already happening. A GOP state law maker from Arizona is saying that the idiot was a federal agent....eye roll here.
Kentucky, you’re crazy if you vote for this fool, especially the black and brown folk.
My mama said the same thing...lol.
Yep, the rest of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Loving vs Virginia, Contraception Rights (heck some states are already banning the Morning After Pill), Public Accommodations, Brown vs The Board of Education, etc.
And we’re surprised by this? Anyone that is must have been asleep. We knew it was coming the minute that McConnell put the Handmaid’s Tale on the Court.
Uh maybe. But this fiasco is the start. Get used to it.
It took them long enough. Now go get her out. They do all that unseemly stuff to get folk to do hell with for info. Now, as another poster stated, do something good with those skills instead of capturing folk for torture.
That’s when Officer Olivas will get his wake-up call. I guess he didn’t understand that they’re talking about him and other Latinas too the minute they leave the room. Welcome to the club.