
Sean Young also superglued James Wood’s dick to his leg.

We’ve spent the last generation or two allowing businesses and the politicians they’ve purchased to convince us that poor people are the strongest thing in the world and thus don’t need any help whatsoever, while multi-billion dollar businesses are fragile little flowers and need as much nurturing and protection as

Geologist here (specialized in the geology of earthquakes). Here’s a link to the Great Washington Shake Out: for some more local information on preparedness and what you can do! Your local and state agencies are all involved.

Long-time lurker. Also a geophysicist that specializes in earthquake mechanics. Can confirm this is nbd.

In a piece published by Vox this week, a “professor of earth and planetary sciences” named Emily Brodsky (is an easier title here “professor of geology and astronomy” or am I being rude?!)

The first press release for the event announces that the presidents have already raised money to ensure that “100 cents out of every dollar” will reach victims.

Dubya was not very smart and made many a bad decision.

I’ve heard from a few people that the Disney resort hotels are absolutely packed with dogs right now, as they’ve opened up their policy to allow pets in light of what’s going on. (Apparently, it’s sort of a go-to for locals to check in, as hotels are built to withstand more than the average home.) Good for Disney for

“The OLDER gentleman can kiss my ass. Reclaiming my dignity.”


As a Houstonian, your niece is amazing. As is her entire troop!!!!!!!!!!

Yay niece! And yay Girl Scouts!!

Had Fyre actually enlisted actual Burners and not social influencers in building their shit show, it might have actually been a festival and not FEMA cosplay.

Not to add to your worry, but you express a common misconception. Pap smears do absolutely nothing to detect ovarian cancer. Their only benefit is to detect cervical cancer (or conditions that can lead to cervical cancer). Pap smears NEVER show evidence for or against ovarian cancer. For women at higher risk of

Regardless of her own views, I seriously doubt she would enjoy parallels being drawn between her daughter and nazis. Even the nazis seem to not like parallels between themselves and nazis.

Hopefully (and honestly, I assume it’s happened) President Obama HAS contacted her to console her.

In his head it probably played out like a movie with Ms Bro stopping the funeral and telling everyone to be quiet so they could all huddle around the phone adoringly listenening to Trump

The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.

I know he’s an alleged terrorist/murderer now. BUT - please let’s make her name at least as well known as his.

David Duke’s tweet explains it all. Trump is probably fighting with himself because he knows the Nazis/White Supremacists/KKK support and voted for him. He didn’t denounce them during the campaign because as a business person he knew those were votes and he didn’t want to lose them. We know how he feels about