
I was responding to a commenter and not the article.

I got your back, Mary-Grace!

It’s Hollywood, and Depp was a Name. Of course they sided with him.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes....

Well, since this is the first breach in 38 years with who knows how many hundred thousand visitors, I’d say judging that mother is warranted.

I left the link and a screen grab above with Mary Grace. I hope LemurLad doesn’t mind me dropping it here. I though he/she was pretty insightful.

The thing with Gorillas is they don’t even need to be mean to you to fuck you up. They’re just that strong. Even if all Harambe was doing was dragging the little kid around by the leg, that would be enough to harm him or even kill him, if it were allowed to continue unchecked.

I was just recommending Abdelrahman Munif to another commenter, a few days ago: notably the Cities of Salt trilogy (which includes five books in Arabic, but, alas, the marvelous translator Peter Theroux passed away before he could finish them): Cities of Salt; the Trench; and Variations on Night and Day.

I understand that I am being deadly earnest and thus a total drag, but many women are gainfully employed in Saudi Arabia. (Sorry Sqarr: not directed to you — it is just that correcting misperceptions about the Middle East becomes a full-time job for anyone who has ever lived there.)

Starred for “level 10 sass”. Excellence.

There's also a huge behavioural difference between male and female gorillas. A single male kills the offspring of competing males. Females nurture as a community. As much as I hate everything involved in this case, the kid was in far more immediate danger than other similar incidents.

But I haven’t sufficiently shared my opinion yet, so I need at least 30294832 more articles to repeat myself to people who don’t care.

I, too, am getting really fucking tired of being told how to feel about it from every goddamn angle of life. It’s like-guess what? I’m sad the gorilla died, I feel for the mother who was probably scared beyond belief and ALSO, I think she maybe screwed up some, plus I am able to see the rationale behind shooting the

I understand. I don’t suspect she’s being snarky at all, and I’m not particularly dismayed that her concern first and foremost is for the gorillas (hence her asking about opportunities for them to emote and grieve the loss). That’s mostly lovely and to be expected from someone who embraced, to a certain extent,

^ THIS! ^

People are really anthropomorphizing the gorilla’s behavior. I would say most people haven’t seen the full footage and are basing their reaction on the moments when he wasn’t dragging the child around.

But a woman’s naked body is still being used to draw attention to an issue that doesn’t have much to do with nudity (or the human body at all). However Delevingne personally feels about the cause - and I believe her that she finds it empowering - I don’t think we can look at this without its societal context.

And yet, here we are, treating women like objects to be painted on.