
Even as a thirteen-year old I didn’t want to be with a thirteen-year old guy.

If my memory of thirteen year olds, boys especially, is remotely valid, aside from being deeply disturbing, this is wildly confusing.

Not “sex.”

Thank you!!! I’m having a very physical reaction to the tone of this article and many of the comments. It literally makes my stomach hurt. We are talking about hundreds of women who are in underground sex slavery RIGHT HERE in our cities. Anything that can help these women (even if it inconveniences some other women)

Not to mention that it’s very difficult to speak with and get honest feedback from the women who are currently being trafficked. Id say damn near impossible. So you’d have to rely on information that is going to be vastly more reflective of the women who have a lot more empowered choice and personal autonomy. Id argue

Great, if the directing thing doesn’t pan out, maybe he can teach classes to politicians and semi-famous people on how to write a real apology.


Creating fake injuries using make up and Photoshop would require a certain level of expertise. I seriously doubt Amber Heard has the level of training that would be needed to create realistic looking injuries.

I support decriminalizing sex work but criminalizing pimps and the act of buying/paying for sex, so I’m with president Carter on this one. Every actual study, with actual research, on this shows, the Nordic model is one in which women are safest and balance of power more equal. Every time I see surveys done by talking

Maybe they don’t think too much.

Sadly a lot of people are accusing her of just that.

Trafficking certainly does still occur in countries with the Nordic Model. What’s important is that it has declined in those countries, and that in countries where prostitution is legal it has increased.

Oh, look, more evidence of Amber’s abuse people won’t admit as legit because they think Gone Girl is the most common scenario in society, instead of an entitled angry addict becoming violent towards a woman. Now it makes sense why she was carrying her laptop while leaving her lawyer’s office. Wonder who will get the

I think it’s because they have no capacity for self reflection and no other marketable skills. When you know your ability to make money is contingent upon putting up with certain shit, you compartmentalize and find a way to cope. It’s how I could put up with terrible, abusive entry level jobs in my twenties, because

will they show actual birth process for ratings?

I am well aware of the campaign against Rachel. Almost all of it originates with Gaye Dalton, who in case you’re unaware, conducts herself as would a stalker on twitter, constantly harassing Rachel or anyone who dares to mention her. But let’s assume Rachel is a mustache twirling, villainous fraud. ...How about the

But Amnesty stopped supporting the Nordic model after doing something we’re not sure President Carter has ever tried: they talked to sex workers about it.

TO CLARIFY: By those who must - should be followed by “visit or use a sex worker for sex.” Of course there’s a shitload of men who go to sex workers who do so FOR the power buzz and NOT because of health or social reasons. I worry that they may have issues with sex workers who were empowered.

Sex work isn’t harmless. The commodification of our bodies doesn’t come without personal and social ramifications. Only sociopaths can separate feelings and thoughts from the body. That separation isn’t real, it’s a belief based on denial of the nature of existence. Total isolation of this circumstance from effect

It seems like all arguments in defense of sex work use the logic of labor — that it’s a perfect right to perform work in exchange for money, and that sex shouldn’t be treated any differently. The thing is, we don’t really believe that, and the difference shows up viscerally when we talk about children. If you pay your