
Aren’t women’s (well, anyone’s really) bodies already commodities in the form of more traditional labor? I mean, say, a farmer or a factory worker trades some of their health for a paycheck already. Why is trading your wrist or your back for money ok but your genitals for money not ok?

I think for a lot of people this is too complex a topic to easily pigeonhole all of our thoughts and emotions about it.

I don’t think we should insult people for carefully thought out opinion pieces that slightly differ from our own opinions. This is a complex issue.

Yeah, I was an 18 year old boy once. I can’t imagine a real adult wanting to date me then...

Also, 18 year olds are the worst?????????


If I knew someone named Countess Debonnaire Von Bismark, I would insist on calling her Debi just to be obnoxious.

That “yet” so beautifully encapsulates the condescension men throw at younger women, regardless of their talent and professional background, that it should be framed and put in a museum.

The zoo is correct. Tranquilizing an animal or human is not instant, despite what movies and tv would let people believe. They have possibly seen his response to tranquilizers in the past if he needed any vet care.

You know they are all just going to want to hang around and play cards. And she’ll insist on Hangover-esque shenanigans. And it’ll be like she’s the dude and they are a bunch of pussies. Wacky role-reversal!

It’s doesn’t even matter if he knew or not. One 15 year old girl and 25 other guys? No way was she able to give consent.

this is awesome, thanks!

I love the Oppression Olympics. Who is going to win this year?

It seems that he’s just missusing the word, and “objectified” would be a better option. The feeling is legitimate, and I’ve heard it often from many other actors. It has to be seriously exhausting.

Not patronizing at all, and your words meant a lot to me because, although doing well in life nowadays, I’ve came from a poor ubringing and could never formally study English. I self-taught myself through my childhood interest in comics and movies. Two years ago I reached a moment of great personal pride, getting a

Thank you for taking the time to write this background piece. You’ve educated me more in this comment than I could ever have hoped from news articles.

Brazilian here. Although the article is factually correct, I think it would be useful to expand the information a bit, in order to get more context. Since I already sort of did that with my comment in the article about the Italian woman burnt alive by an ex-boyfriend, here it goes:

Agreed. That isn’t to say I think it should be the focus, but when a man is complaining about being overly objectified (which is what he’s actually complaining about here), there isn’t a need to be so dismissive. Furthermore, I think it actually harms Feminism to be this way, because I believe that snarky articles

Good lord, did someone film the boy throwing up on the side of the road? That is horrible.

Lol sorry, I had to know. I'm a huge movie geek.