
“I bet your mom would let me”

Every time my daughter is complaining about bedtime, I just say, “It’s the middle of the day in China!” In a whiny voice.

Every woman I have ever met has wanted to fuck a peacock while being subtly told how horrible she is... so he’s obviously a very smart man with impeccable taste in hats!

Remember Mystery?

‘So what look are you going for, for your wedding?’

What look was Jeremy Beiber going for here? Dress me like a Vegas magician, only douchier?

I’m more fond of the Piggie & Gerald books. Never too early to teach kids about medium awareness.

Great book, but it only works with an appropriately dramatic reading. I usually pretend I’m venting to my children about my own life and the burdens of motherhood when I read the line "I HAVE DREAMS Y'KNOW!"

Yeah, but they’d have to significantly change the plot to Anastasia now.

Just rewatched Anstatsia - good songs but the movie is boring as hell.

Nope. I refuse to go back and re-read that. Because “Hook” is wonderful. So there.

The Addam’s Family was mine. Whenever I watch it now I have instant memories of the stomach flu.

i remember learning/singing this in the ~2nd grade, to the tune of i believe i can fly, i wonder how many other kids heard this version on the playground:

Can you imagine her giving birth? The nurse says “Doctor, her cervix is 9 centimet-” and the patient interrupts to scream “Don’t use your pornographic words around me and my baby! Doctor, my down there is dilated 9 centimeters.”

Yeah, I am assuming it’s because of the part where she was able to put her fingers up her vagina in the tub one day and detect her own tumor with her bare hands. Bad-assery and self-care are pornographic when it involves detecting lady cancer (see also, self-breast exams). I wonder if anyone has ever tried to ban any

I read this book. An important thing to know about her particular cancer cells is that they behaved much differently than all other samples, which made them incredibly beneficial for research.

Best wishes to you on your second sodslider

Anna...did you listen to the clip? Seems you would have since you linked to it...

There are reasons why Autism Speaks is considered a terrible organization by many. In addition to their dalliance with the anti-vax crowd, they are focused on preventing and curing Autism, which does not square with the view that people with Autism think differently, but not necessarily worse. Helping Autistic people

AAAAAAGGGGHHHH??? Are you me??? I’m also pregnant with number two and due on Christmas Day! Congrats to you! I’ve told 3 close friends, since we were away with them last weekend and they would have noticed immediately that I wasn’t drinking. I’m nauseous half the time, but no puking so far. And crazy emotional all