
My due date is Christmas Day! This is my 2nd child, I’m feeling much more pregnant much earlier. Yesterday I cried for no reason. But, no morning sickness again!

Mazel tov!!! :)

EEEEE so exciting! Congrats!!

I haven’t announced this to my family yet but I’m bursting with excitement and anxiety and nerves so I just have to tell someone

Especially when the mystery is “why did my baby die?”

Simple. All midwives should be trained and certified through accredited medical and nursing programs.

Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!

Everything is better in Canada.

It’s an extremely common thing, though. Faced with an incredibly difficult and complicated system, those who make it through will emerge with, usually, one of two different beliefs. Either “I jumped through all the hoops and had to deal with all the utter bullshit, so everyone else should too,” or “I had to deal with

The GOP exists because their base either believes in the Just World fallacy or has a Dunning Krueger cognitive bias.

I understand why wealthy people vote republican but I’ll never understand why immigrants support republicans. My father & his side of the family are immigrants and they’re the same way. You’d think you’d want to support fellow immigrants instead of burning the bridge behind you. It’s a lot of “I got mine!”. And

How can they learn to read if they can’t even fit through the door?

There’s new show where fitness professional gain weight and then take it off, so that they can “come from a place of understanding”. I’d be very curious to see if their metabolism resets.

Made one, watched it once, was horrified, immediately eradicated it from the earth.

One of my local theaters had an event where people could sign up to make an amateur porn video and then there was an event where they screened them all and the audience voted on them. I think they burned them all after the screening though.

I made an ex delete one a few months ago...I told him I needed it gone for my peace of mind because an identifiable tattoo of mine was visible for a few seconds, but tbh I was just gravely offended that despite his earlier statement that, quote, “omg this is so hot, I’m going to watch it like every day forever babe,”

“But I am an adult and I am married to your father so I deserve some respect”

Me. And I did not erase and I would do it again!

And here I thought I was weird for masturbating to The Ring as a teen. IN MY THERAPISTS FACE.

I’ve never made a sex tape, YET! I am totally open to the idea. I will be submitting my application and portfolio to anyone interested. I have no acting experience but I am a fast learner!