And they said that most people paid a fair amount for the album.
And they said that most people paid a fair amount for the album.
because people like that think THEY are the majority and EVERYONE thinks that way it’s just some people don’t say it out loud and it’s because of the PC police not that the world has fucking changed and moved on and they are no longer the norm. UGH IT MAKES ME RAGEY thanks trump
I am also a poor. The trick is that my family has lived here since immigrating in the 60s. Last time we were looking for a place in sf it was like 2,000 for a studio and we couldn’t afford that so we moved out half an hour south to a tiny tiny house for the same price being rented out by family. (So cheap).
Apperently I was very VERY wrong. 42 Is NOT middle aged! I’m okay with that.
What’s sad, is the only reason you’re more aware is because of assholes. I hate that I have to give racial lessons to my kindergartener, but I’ll be damned if she gets blindsided by a jerk that asks her “who that white lady picking you up is” because apparently this is a thing people are okay with saying. To her, just…
My own father didn’t absorb that I was in an interracial relationship until after my wedding. Like he knew my husband was Asian, and he knew that we are white, but it just never crossed his mind that people had a label for that besides “means to grand babies”
Same here. I’ve also Googled the phrase “your father must be proud!” due to fact that white men (including one NYPD officer @ west 4th st subway stop) scream it at me as I walk down the street with my husband so often I thought for sure it had to be a line from a movie. Turns out white dudes just really think my dad…
Sure - same here. About fifteen years ago, my husband said to me after watching something on TV about Thierry Henri: “He’s in a mixed relationship! I’ve only just realised we are too!”
Child of an interracial couple here. I forgot about it probably 97% of the time — as a kid, the only time I thought it was noteworthy was when assholes we were around made it so (and I realize I am on the luckier end of the spectrum in that percentage break down). We always had very frank conversations about race…
That people are time travelling from sometime early in the 20th or possibly 19th or 18th century and have figured out how to use twitter is truly the big news here.
. I’m black Latino married to a white Latina ( so white hispanic people will sometimes talk shit about her in Spanish and my wife surprises them when she turns around and responds in Spanish). The only time I notice is when we go out to dinner in more rural areas where the customer service consistently is bad to the…
As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.
This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused
You are not allowed to be “middle aged” at 42.
I didn’t see it as undercutting so much as an externalized internal stream of thought, and also a message to Pres Obama himself (not to the WHCD audience), but I can see how it could come across differently. I thought his delivery was fine.
Hahahahaha news maitre d’. A+++.
It thought it was great, too. And I think he went easy on them. Blitzer is like a news matre d’, Don Lemon is awful, and nearly to a person CNN, MSNBC, and Fox are staffed by useless tools.
The only time these assholes have any chance of being uncomfortble during a normal year is this event. So it’s great when the…
I thought he was fucking hilarious too. That crowd needs to pull the sticks out of their asses.
Yup! Not a single glorious fuck was given by Larry. And the best part was that Obama seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe minus the drone bit - but alas, that was fully deserved.
Going to HEB is like walking through a scene from The Birds. Perhaps this is the price for having a store as excellent as HEB.