
I dont agree with the school’s move but it is a private school and a religious institution so they have a right to their religious beliefs and have their policies reflect them. Do I agree with those policies no. I dont know why this is shocking. Islamic private schools have the same policies, this is not new and

And in the real world when people face harassment they report to HR, find a new job, and file a harrassment claim. It is almost as if these guys went to college, were given a free pass, and now dont know how to operate like adults and behave like teenagers with millions of dollars. The only thing these guys are a

You know what regular people do when they have a boss they dont like? They get a new job and file a harrassment suit.

Except one is the forced ownership of a person and their labor. While the other is an occupational choice. No one is forcing these guys to play a game for millions of dollars. So strange these guys will blow millions on hookers, drugs, and homes. Yet the complain about inequality. While the rest of us donate our time