Marxist Materialist

That's pretty beautiful.

Don't the responders in the article state NCA has a right to reject Marcus if she's not attracted to him for being a trans man?

I'm nota Herbert historian but iirc that's actually the point of the name, some kind of Grand unification of Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim sects

Are you taking about the hyper sexualized display of actresses in movies? Because that's bad and dehumanizing, like sexuality in black face

Universal translators is the Canon explanation, I believe. Comm badges have them built in, right?

That's true, and I don't think it's a coincidence that the more interesting or charming games have come out of smaller studios.

Yes, and it challenges my normally gregarious and compassionate nature

Turns out, it's man.

It's such a shame that of all religions made up by Sci Fi writers, scientology took off but we don't have bands of Fremen living in the Utah desert, worshiping Graboids

Does anyone even read the [Orange Catholic] Bible anymore?

Y'all fills a gap in English that isn't met by Standard American English (aka WASP English).

Socialism is not capitalism, which is Good. So, it's Bad. I like to entertain that thought when comparing incarceration rates between present-day America, and Stalin-era USSR.

When my grandparents retired to rural Mississippi, the old farm they bought had goats. Goats that liked to climb on my grandmother's car.

You're half right, hand wrong. The profit drive can and does have a homogenizing effect on a medium as people try to copy a particularly popular title (or its notable features, in any case). It also has a lowest common denominator effect as suits get scared to rock the boat with anything that may threaten the bottom

Misogynistic jokes are partly how misogyny perpetuates itself, which is why so many people are critical of their use in comedy. The line is so thin between skewering hate and reifying it that it's best left to either selected audiences or more talented writers

Also, good dope. A cup of coffee and solid, frosty bowl has been the death of many a chores in my house

Fire arms are a red herring, here. The real problem is the fundamentally alienating nature of modern society, which beats it into our heads constantly that our lives don't matter to anyone. We need to fundamentally change society, not disarm the disempowered (the origin of modern gun control is in disarming black

Fire arms are a red herring, here. The real problem is the fundamentally alienating nature of modern society, which beats it into our heads constantly that our lives don't matter to anyone. We need to fundamentally change society, not disarm the disempowered (the origin of modern gun control is in disarming black

The more Christians are Chris-like, the better the world will be. I say this as an atheist.

This boy ain't right.