
See you in Vauxhalla!

How you hope the night goes

The idea of being able to customize and order the wagon online is great. My experience in dealerships shopping for a new car last year (Jeep, 3x Toyota, Subaru) was that brands have the car you want SOMEWHERE in the network, but not necessarily in a place that makes sense or that they’re willing to sell you.

This is now an 80's Japanese concept car thread. Prepare yourself.

I just ordered one under the name “Duke Nukem III.”

Nice but where is the hatchback version?

“You’ve been speeding, Dave...”

I can say from personal experience that with companies like this it’s ENTIRELY about the investors. The whole thing, including stoking public excitement, including articles just like this, is at its core just one big show just for them.

I’ve spent my load on other posts but I will say

I see you’ve failed to be reformatted. Please step aside and await further instructions.

Hey, this Chevy worked just right

In the S2000, the heater will burn your legs off. I swap the studded tires on, put the top down, strap my snowboard in the passenger seat, and fucking live.

Make a 25 minute long youtube video walking around your yard about it.

That guy in the green shirt was already eating his peanuts. What a rookie. He’s going to be screwed when he realizes that he doesn’t get any more.

Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.