Can’t comment on the other ones, but this show doesn't look mean spirited, looks like goofy fun. Not sure it it could hold my attention for a whole series, but it seems harmless enough.
Can’t comment on the other ones, but this show doesn't look mean spirited, looks like goofy fun. Not sure it it could hold my attention for a whole series, but it seems harmless enough.
I watched this last night. It’s weird, it’s funny, it’s so very 2020. I loved it. I laughed so much. My husband and I yelled at the contestants to do smarter things and make better choices and also admitted that neither of us had the upper body strength to go on the show.
As someone with a fair few female friends, who are involved in creative endeavours and lines of work, it is beyond ridiculous how much they have to go through on a daily basis. Every single one of them has a story from every single event or just every day.
I’ve never seen King of Kong, or anything where this dude actually speaks. I’ve only seen the picture of him smirking at the camera and this one. I’ve only seen his stupid-ass ties.
Her last notes literally reference the intense bullying she received.
Goddamnit. Get the blood tests. And the flamethrowers.
so this is how they are going to get it working on Switch
I can confirm it’s the latter.
Should I be concerned that Dave Foley is playing the role of Sir Not Appearing In This Interview? Is he John Cleesing the rest of the troupe, or was he just occupying the wrong point in spacetime to add words to the article?
Kefka is gonna build a monument to non-existence and he’s gonna make the Espers pay for it!
Isn’t FF XII also basically Star Wars?!
Those first ten hours...
I don’t have any respect for any one who tell other people how to have fun and spend their own money either... but whatever.
I...don’t understand your stance here, honestly. This literally is only a talking point about this game because it’s a remake, it’s like saying that you shouldn’t buy Trails of Cold Steel because it’s part of a larger story. There’s a point to be made about the game not needing to be only Midgar, for sure, but…
Setting up the gambits and figuring out your strategy was, for me, a really interesting andfun part of the game.
Yeah I’m 29 and now officially have no idea what is going on. I mean, other than the bascis of “people like to watch hot people do stuff”. That will never go out of style.
“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.
I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it.
I feel like there is always one rule in every game that is slightly vague enough to foster deep emotions for conflict, in even the happiest of settings.
Yes, they are fully aware they are limiting their sales, they just have a bigger agenda than selling a single VR game.