
The Yams is A$AP Yams.

The research into your enemies and their weaknesses is one of the more entertaining aspects of the game. It's definitely a ritualistic experience to fight a monster, made even more clear by the fact Geralt meditates up until the moment the monster is right on him. I was originally playing through thinking the game

I think the problem is people are a bit too rapacious in their criticism. You can have a problem with the treatment of women in games, and you can have a problem with the lack of diversity in the game but the fact that these things happen don't indicate ill-intent on the part of the developers. Rather it's an issue

"Hmmm…. this is going to be more difficult than expected." -Gerault Voice

I think the game is self-aware about women's plight, but doesn't address it as well as it could. If anything, I think their portrayal of racism (despite the weird call that's there's no people of color characters) is actually spot on. They really dig into the reasoning of why people become hateful of "outsiders"

If you play the game on normal difficulty, it doesn't really matter. If you play it on "hard" (which people seem to recommend) or "very hard" it becomes much more tactical.

I bought Fallout 2 when I was 12 years old the day it came out (I did extra chores!), and it is easily one of the best RPGs I've ever played. I'm very excited for Fallout 4, but this game made me think "Damn Bethesda needs to step their game up." (pun intended).

It's shocking how your decisions, even ones you think are a good idea, can rapidly turn bad.

Or when you mess up a decision, but somehow the game keeps going. You might be sneaking in somewhere, and say the wrong thing, and all of a sudden it's a huge fight whereas that could have been avoided.

I never played the series, bought the Witcher 3 and after playing for a few dozen hours (and being somwhere near the middle of the game), I decided that I loved the series enough to go back and play the Witcher 2.

Thanks for that, I had no idea.

Not to pass judgment or anything of the like, but I thought most jobs above that require a degree/are beyond the entry level don't drug test anymore.

Talking to my white female friends, I've seen no shortage of weird and often dark sexually things they'll subject themselves to with white guys and most of these girls have never been taken on a date. Not really sure how these white people eventually turn into my friends parents and live a bland existence in the

These type of articles make it so my eyes don't wander even when my fiance's not around.

I don't know many professional black women who smoke on a regular basis, but I think it's mostly because most of the professional black people I know are lawyers and (consequently) are super paranoid about this info getting to the attention of the bar association. I'm continually shocked when I find out women I've

I generally was told by white kids that I was "the whitest black person they knew" or "wasn't black" I don't think a black person ever said that to me while growing up. In my experience most black people, at least in areas where there's a large enough white population, aren't really the one's trying to limit your

But you also have the Great Black Oasis of Willingboro in South Jersey, a town so nice that Malcolm X's warby-parker looking glasses wanted to live there.

How does Negril (I'm assuming you're talking the one by NYU) work now that Bourgie people can't go there before getting ratchet at Greenhouse?

Damn bruh that one hurt #shotfired #lordtheyshotme

I'm sure it's nice if you're white and really don't like black people.