
As I look out my office window in midtown and see snow coming down, I must admit that I'm a bit upset that this show and Girls shoot mostly in the summer. We need an episode that involves Abbi, new shoes and a deceptively deep slush puddle!

I thought Bonnie would be the natural choice because her and Asher seem to the easiest to write out of the show without dramatically disturbing the dynamic.

Charlyne Yi telling Dom his fathers Portuguese restaurant sounded exotic was excellent. Here you have an Asian-American woman from (presumably) Modesto, treating Portuguese food as outside the realm of normal. It was a throw-away line but I liked the shift of emphasis to Dom being the Other (which he likely already

which is obviously the most sensible thing to do while trapped.

Considering Atticus Finch shot a dog, isn't it a bit weird to name your dog Atticus?

I was at the place where they had the dog wedding in September. There were tons of people dancing to what could best be described as West Indies House Music and lots of random dudes in dashiki's playing djembes. Glad to know it was actually a dog wedding gazebo this whole time.

So the "Val Bar" appears to have been shot in the Backroom on the Lower East Side, when I saw them go through the gate I started shaking my girlfriend and yelling "They're going to the Backroom, oh my god!" I wish they'd highlighted that almost all of their drinks are served in tea cups (except the beers which are

The reading rainbow music sting is the best sound effect to have when you get text messages.

"I am not a machine!" Is one of the more memorable lines from that game.

I loved how Shosh goes from interviewing at Anne Taylor to interviewing at McKinsey (which is by most measures the top consulting firm in the US). I think a lot could be said about the scene and the view Shosh has about herself. She seems perfectly suited for a lower energy, social job like being a buyer at Anne

Not that I know personally, but the firecracker approach she used actually works.

What I like about this show is it normalizes a lot of things that, as a straight man, I used to find a bit more uncomfortable. I've explained this elsewhere, but even having grown up in a very gay-friendly suburb in the Northeast (think conservative jewish men with three black children all with dreads and yarmulkes) Here's an organization you can promote and help, it was the first organization that came up when I searched "Oakland Stop the Violence"

I feel like the "only light skinned chicks" types are more what I hear.