
That is a loooong time to be trapped underground... I hope nobody snaps down there and there are no deaths.

@Marwan_Boustany: On the other hand, I support Ray in his attempt to reach his goal. Through his attempt we may come to appreciate some aspect of the true magnitude of the design inherent to this magnificent biological structure.

I am not a fan of PZ. But I have to side with him here. Ray is definitely working with incomplete data and understanding in making this prediction.

I, Laugh. It is funny in a way that only the unique approach of Bollywood can produce.

I do not like the peel back method for getting out of an application. Useful perhaps as one method of peaking behind, but otherwise unappealing.

Well that definitely looks like it is worth 20,000 dollars to me. Art... meaningless, lacking skill, but when it comes to money, it goes for the kill.

This sucks. The fact that you cannot delete them is very irritating. I buy the phone, I decide what extra crapps are on the phone.

It would be really good for Apple if they could make a small manufacturing change to fix the problem. I am very interested to see if any pattern can be found by Gizmodo.

That is truly vile. I am very glad she is getting jail time.

A story like this just makes me think that music (movies etc too), that you buy are just things you have bought the right to use exclusively(ish).

You just have to be impressed with the intellect of Tesla.

@nowayout: agreed. It looks clearer and has better colour.

@The Rural Juror: Was there not a flash 10.1 update for macs yet? I have found that it significantly reduces processor usage and therefore heat production.

The quality is impressive and this will certainly fit in nicely with big HD tvs as well as fast broadband speeds.

@bobofish: ha ha ha.. nice. I have to admit, I prefer the direct approach whenever I can get it! I have enough waffling from politicians to last 1000 lifetimes.

At this point, Apple could perhaps start coating the external metal area with some hard, transparent resin/plastic/something in future batches. This would maintain its beautiful design, and maintain optimal functionality without customer effort.

At this point, Apple could perhaps start coating the external metal area with some hard, transparent resin/plastic/something in future batches. This would maintain its beautiful design, and maintain optimal functionality without customer effort.

At this point, Apple could perhaps start coating the external metal area with some hard, transparent resin/plastic/something in future batches. This would maintain its beautiful design, and maintain optimal functionality without customer effort.

The only nice idea is the hidden drawer. Nevertheless, I would rather just invest in door and window security so that I can just put my stuff where and how I want. This all seems like too much effort.