
Nope born at Colombia Presbyterian and raised in the city.

Please scold more people from 15 years ago for not conforming to whatever you think is right

Being cancelled

You described why the Punisher is interesting. He’s also interesting because he spring from the minds of 1970s New Yorkers when the city was an absolute shithole. I’m sorry if this offends your sensibilities

Agency agency agency.

I’m a liberal and we are eating ourselves with this identity political bullshit

Why is that racial nonsense? Seems to make sense from a narrative perspective. Expecting black characters to only be angels is pretty racist

As long as I never have to read an idiotic “thinkpiece” about how some part of a 30 year old book is “gross” I’m cool

Oh my god 12 yea olds had consensual sex!!!!!!! The horror.

This is honestly one of the worst articles I have ever read. Please take your internet pitchforks elsewhere

I wish this was an Onion article.

It used to be he god fearing conservatives clutching their pearls Now it’s the scolding liberals