I thought Jersey Girl’s was translation for She who eats Taylor Ham.
I thought Jersey Girl’s was translation for She who eats Taylor Ham.
It’s about exposure to nuclear family constructs.
Not all, but many of the kids we volunteered with were from single parent homes. This was the 80's-90's - the city was still healing from the riots and even kids who had parents around were losing them to drug and gang violence. They just weren’t exposed to that…
From Bloomfield! I went to Teaneck HS prom in 2000!
Should’ve paid attention to Prince’s career
Guess he was right. Slavery IS a choice.
.... and he signed that? What?
C’mon, haven’t you ever smelled something funky and then shoved it under someone else’s nose and commanded “here, smell this”?
Thank you for answering this gripping question. I shall link!
I can still here the refrain of my irritated dad nagging me to “do the dishwasher” while growing up.
As a proud parent of 23 and 16 old sons, congratulations! They eat my leftover takeout, but they fill up the gas tank in the car. Wouldn’t trade them for nothing. My husband might...I have to show him old pictures to prove he liked them in the past.
So, really, they’re just arresting him for being terrible at his job.
Seriously look at that bammer weed. Couldn’t even give that shit away for free in Cali.
unless thats his stem collection waiting to be made into edibles it's completely unforgivable. i hope the judge laughs at him and his dirt weed.
Take out the guns and the shitty weed (seriously wtf is that shit? Mexican Brick weed dealers would be embarrassed by those green hairballs) and this all stuff I have in my house right now, but watch this mayo warriors pose with pride like they just took down El Chapo.
I found that on Amazon Prime you can select UK English. It’s wonderful. There’s a chipper old Irish guy doing color that I’m not sure has a clue what the rules of the game are. He and the Brit play by play guy didn’t know what do say during the run and the replays were full of “chust ghet out of me way.” and the like.
What are the odds his kids end up not wanting anything to do with this car he bought to pass on to them?
My feelings exactly and I’m glad to see many people also are saying “Yeah, but...” We know there are bad cops--plenty of them. But we also know when the victim is no angel to ask more questions.